17 the star angelic tarot card meanings

The Star Angelic Tarot Card Meanings

The Star Angelic Tarot Card Meanings, Keywords and Correspondences

While it’s tempting to think of The Star only as ‘THE wish card’ in the Tarot deck, there is an inbuilt warning against this way of looking at things as all-black-or-white in the card itself. So let’s take a look at some of the common positive and negative associations for this card before we dive deeper into the energies of the Star card.

Positive Meanings for The Star Tarot Card

  1. Hope and Inspiration: The Star brings optimism and a renewed sense of hope. It encourages you to believe in a brighter future and trust that your dreams can come true.
  2. Healing and Renewal: The Star signifies a time of healing and inner transformation. It suggests that you are letting go of past hurts and embracing self-care and emotional well-being.
  3. Spiritual Connection: The Star represents a strong connection to the divine and spiritual realms. It reminds you to trust your intuition and follow your inner guidance.
  4. Generosity and Compassion: The Star encourages you to show kindness and compassion towards others. It inspires acts of generosity and reminds you of the interconnectedness of all beings.
  5. Creativity and Innovation: The Star stimulates your creativity and encourages you to think outside the box. It brings forth innovative ideas and invites you to explore new possibilities.

Negative Meanings for The Star Tarot Card

  1. HopiumInstead of Genuine Hope: In a negative context, the Star may indicate a tendency to live in a fantasy world or deceive oneself. It warns against losing touch with reality and avoiding important responsibilities.
  2. Aloofness: The Star can sometimes represent emotional distance or detachment. It suggests a need to balance logical thinking and rationality with emotional vulnerability.
  3. Unrealistic Expectations: The Star can symbolise having utopian and unrealistic expectations or setting unattainable goals. It serves as a reminder to remain grounded and focus on practical steps towards success.

Getting to Know The Star

The Star invites us to expand in the direction of future hope, equality and inclusivity. It invites us to imagine a peaceful future where everyone belongs. In this future Era, man’s next evolutionary step, we realise that we are all divine. We know innately that when we work together for the Highest Good, we can make it so that everyone feels safe to fully embody their true Selves.

The positive energy of The Star enhances our capacity for grace to flow through us, out into a thirsty world. The water represents that which connects and unifies us in a world that is constantly seeking to divide us against each other.

This is why, in the Angelic Tarot correspondence Tarot system I teach, The Star is the Angel of Grace.

The Star faces the future. She cares only about what learning from the past we are able to carry forward because that is the only thing from the past that can promote further development, innovation and progress. She is a force of evolution and she beckons us to expand into the New Age of Aquarius.

Seeing the bigger picture

The Star broadens our perspective. She expands our ability to innovate and bring new solutions to humanity’s most difficult and long-standing problems. She is a perennial source of grace, hope and detached compassion.

Numerologically, she resonates with VIII Strength (1+7=8). She expands our courage to include the whole world. The Star makes us feel brave on behalf of future generations.

the star rider waite smith tarot
The Star RWS Tarot

“For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.”
– Saint Augustine of Hippo

Make a Wish

Known as ‘the wish card,’ The Star is one of those cards that elicit a sigh of relief if the reading is about a difficult situation, especially if in the Outcome position. The wish card in the Minor Arcana is the 9 of Cups.

Corresponding with the Crown chakra, the Star reminds us that we are all One. It inspires faith in the goodness of the Source of All. Serenity is a concept that fits nicely with both the Star and the Crown chakra. Contemplating The Star reminds us of our own God-Light and gives us a sense of peace.

“It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels worthy of himself and claims kindred to the great God who made him.”
― Abraham Lincoln

There is something epic about this card, there is no denying it. It combines the numerology of 1 (the self) with 7 (the bridge between heaven and earth). 17 is a magical number in its own right. Combined with the symbology of The Star which traditionally contains the constellation of the Pleiades, we have a Star Gate through which higher consciousness can flow.

The Shadow Side

But please don’t think that this card is all positive. There is a negative meaning to every card and The Star is no exception. In relationship readings, for instance, it can indicate coldness, aloofness and emotional unavailability. Depending on the surrounding cards, it can also denote a need to always be right (i.e. being right is more important than being kind.) Another negative meaning is that of the utopian idealist who is simply not grounded in reality here and now but always pinning his hopes on some future event.


Angelic correspondence: The Angel of Grace

Element: Air

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Chakra: Crown Chakra

Colour: Electric blue, yellow, violet, purple

Crystal: Onyx, topaz, sapphire, amethyst

Metal: Silver, lead, uranium

Body: Calves, ankles, shins, circulatory system

Exercise: Jogging

Stance/Pose: Bridge pose

Magickal Tool/Ingredient: Broom

Associated Major Arcana Cards (through numerology): Strength

Associated Minor Arcana Cards

5 of Swords (Venus in Aquarius). Healing comes when you cut your losses and move on. Otherwise, this is a no-win situation.

6 of Swords (Mercury in Aquarius). Go with your head and trust that your analytical ability will lead you to the right solution.

7 of Swords (Moon in Aquarius). You need to stop dreaming and come up with an action plan!

Knight of Swords (Air of Air). As idealistic as you may be, always consider that you may, in fact, be wrong. Hence it will always be more important to be kind than to be right.

Remedies to increase the energy of The Star in your life

  • You can make a tarot essence to harness and increase the energy of the Star card, using a card from the deck of your choice, along with any of the crystals above that you feel drawn to work with.
  • Meditate
  • Pray
  • Go star-gazing on a clear winter’s night
  • Get to know the Angelic realm
  • Get involved with a community charity
  • Organise a get-together with a large number of friends
  • Be an activist for the greater good
  • Be a minority ally
  • Inspire hope in others
  • Be active on Internet forums
  • Fast

Balancing, grounding and banishing the influence of the Star card

  • Eat meat (grounds excess Air)
  • Get your hair done
  • Take centre stage
  • Go on a quest that has nothing to do with anyone else
  • Spend time on your own
  • Lie out in the sun
  • Go on a media fast
  • Do something that benefits only you
  • Be concerned about appearances

Affirmation: “I act and speak with the Highest Good of All in mind.”

Angelic Invocation to the Angel of Grace

Dear Angel of Grace, thank you for never being far away. Help me see the bigger picture and recognise my own role as an agent of grace in the world. Amen and so it is!

Love and Relationships

As mentioned above, The Star is one of the two wish cards in the Tarot deck. This means that whatever you wish to manifest in love that is in alignment with the Highest Good will be easy to manifest. Or it does if the card is upright/well-dignified. Reversed or ill-dignified it could mean wishful thinking.

Astrologically, The Star corresponds to the Zodiac sign of Aquarius. Humanitarian work falls under this sign, as does friendships and working with large groups of people. Emotionally detached but with the greater good of all at heart, Aquarius guides us toward a New Age, Oneness and a less self-centred way of being. As a lover, The Star can represent someone who is freedom-loving and even open to polyamory. It can also represent someone who has a pansexual orientation.

The Star showing up is almost always a good sign in a relationship reading. It usually means that you are able to detach from your ego’s point of view and see your love interest more objectively. You have less attachment to the outcome for yourself and truly desire what is best for your beloved.

This is true love and pure magick. The person you have met is an Anam Cara. You could be laying a good foundation for lasting love by building a solid friendship first.

The Star as a Love Interest

If this card describes your love interest, they will be more concerned with the bigger picture than with the details. Philosophical and concerned with doing right, this person wants to know that all their actions contribute to the greater good. Friendships are important to them so you can’t be too possessive or start acting jealous around this person who often has a wide circle of friends who share their interests.

Sometimes they can come across as detached to the point of cold. They aren’t always great with ‘the personal touch.’ Having an almost alien-like quality and ability to see the bigger picture (as if looking at Earth from space or some higher plane of existence), they do wish for everyone’s well-being but sometimes fail to see how a small act of kindness such as a smile or hug could make a difference.

The Quality of the Relationship

If this card describes the quality of your relationship, it could mean that it is platonic (friendship) and/or that you have come together to do humanitarian work. Or it could be an indication that you have finally hit a patch of peace and equanimity… the calm after the storm of The Tower. (Look to surrounding cards for more information)

If the Star shows up together with The Lovers or the 2 of Cups, you have the best of both worlds. You are best friends as well as lovers.


Sexually, The Star can indicate abstinence but not for the sake of poor health or a weak libido. This is abstinence for higher reasons or in order to focus on some great task. This could be some kind of service to humanity or for reasons of personal spiritual development.

Proximity to The Hermit in a relationship reading is a strong indication of abstinence for spiritual reasons. If the Hermit is reversed, the abstinence could be due to physical separation. However, you will remain connected through the ether – either electronically or telepathically… or both.

Single and looking

To a single person, The Star could mean that you are about to meet the love of your life and that your wish for a romantic relationship is finally coming true. Look for The Star in the present or future positions and close to the Knight of Cups, 2 of Cups, 6 of Cups or The Lovers.

As always when you have a chance to make a wish… Be careful what you wish for!

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