
47. Asaliah – 7 of Cups

Asaliah Ah-Shee-Lah

Shem Angel 47 Asaliah (aka Eshaliah) is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name means ‘The God of Truth’ or ‘Righteous God Who Reveals the Truth’ or ‘God the Just Judge.’ The name sounds like Ah-Shee-Lah. The corresponding Angelic Choir is Virtues, under the rulership of Archangel Michael. The Planetary correspondences are the Sun and Mercury. Asaliah is the Angel of Contemplation. She can bring us peace as well as deep insights into spiritual truth. When we work with her, we learn that all our life lessons can benefit the Highest Good when we choose to allow those experiences to grow our souls instead of allowing them to make us reactive or filled with resentment. The corresponding gemstone is Amber.

Asaliah rules the time between 3:20 to 3:40 PM. She primarily rules the dates 13 – 17 November, corresponding with the first quinance of the third decan of Scorpio. The corresponding Tarot card for the first decan of Scorpio is the 7 of Cups. Mihael rules the final five days of the third decan of Scorpio. Asaliah’s secondary rulership covers 23 February, 7 May, 21 July, 4 October and 15 December.

We each have three Shem HaMephorash Guardian Angels by our side through each incarnation. They ensure that we discover what we need to know in order to evolve our souls on the path to becoming Angelic Humans. The following explains the roles of your three Shem Guardian Angels: Primary rulership determines the physical and external material aspects of the person born within that date range. Secondary rulership determines the emotional characteristics and challenges a person may face. Finally, the time of day determines the person’s intellectual capability.

CLICK HERE to find your three Birth Angels.

Asaliah and the 7 of Cups

The person born with Asaliah as their Guardian Angel will almost certainly have an interest in the occult or at least the deeper meaning of life from a psychological point of view. This is a great fit with the 7 of Cups which depicts a person facing the confusing illusions of life that we all have to deal with. Ultimately, the 7 of Cups is about deciding what we truly value deep down.

Because what is true for one person may not always be true for another. In the energetic space of this Arcanum, we face a difficult choice that demands the ability to pierce the veil and arrive at truths beyond what is apparent. This is why Asaliah is known as the Angel of Contemplation. She guides us to seek answers in silence.

You will be strongly motivated to seek out the truth when you are under this Angel’s guardianship. Others may not always understand why you simply won’t accept things at face value. You are more likely than most to be perceived as a ‘conspiracy theorist.’

People born with Asaliah as their Guardian Angel also make excellent teachers and psychologists. This is because they understand what it is like to feel confused as well as what steps to implement on the path to clarity. They can also work as psychics or mediums to help bring clarity to clients.

Psalms to Invoke Asaliah

Weaknesses that Asaliah Can Transform

  • False teachings
  • Lies
  • Idolatry
  • Blindness to deeper truths
  • Overanalytical, unable to see with the heart
  • Makes egoic and untrue claims about spiritual powers and past lives
  • Sexual immorality

Use the Ah-Shee-Lah Mantra when…

…you need to get to the bottom of something. Chant her name before meditating to receive an answer to an important question. Asaliah can help with focus and concentration when you study or prepare to teach a class. She can also help pierce the veil to communicate with spirits while ensuring that you do so with pure intent and for the Highest Good. Asaliah reminds us that we become Angelic Humans by remaining detached and balanced and keeping all our intentions pure on our quest for deeper truths.

love lisa signature

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