Explore the Pisces energy cards in the Tarot. Dive deep into the mysterious nature of Pisces with The Moon, 8-10 of Cups and the King of Cups
68. Habuhiah – 8 of Cups
Shem Angel 68 Habuhiah corresponds with the 8 of Cups (Moon in Pisces) in the Tarot. Learn how and when to invoke Habuhiah.
67. Eyael – 8 of Cups
Shem HaMephorash 67, Eyael, corresponds with the 8 of Cups (Saturn in Pisces) in the Tarot. Learn how and when to invoke Eyael.
8 of Cups Angelic Tarot Card Meanings
Angelic Tarot Card meanings and correspondences for the 8 of Cups. Includes in-depth relationship meanings, affirmation, and prayer.
The Waning Moon Release Tarot Spread + Ritual
The Waning Moon is the ideal time to release anything that is holding you back. Try the Waning Moon Release Tarot Spread + Ritual!