The Angel that rules the first five days of Cancer is Leuviah, the Angel of Memory. The name of this Shem HaMephorash means ‘The Swiftly Listening God.’ The name sounds …
17. Lauviah Angel of Revelation and the 10 of Swords
It gets confusing because both Shem HaMemphorash angels 11 and 17 have the name Lauviah, The name means ‘The Admirable God’ or ‘The Praised God’ and he is known as the Angel …
15. Hariel Angel of Purification and the 9 of Swords
The 15th Guardian Angel is Hariel and he is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name means ‘The Comforting God’ or ‘Saviour God’ and who is Known as the Angel of of Purification. His name sounds …