tarot journaling for beginners

Tarot Journaling for Beginners

tarot journaling for beginners

Tarot Journaling is a fun and multi-faceted way of learning and using the Tarot for growth and personal development. Other than needing a deck of Tarot cards and some way of recording your daily draw, there are very few rules. Your Tarot journal can look any way you like: a regular ruled notebook, a fancy journal, an online blog or a scrapbook art journal. You will find that many Tarot teachers, myself included, recommend that beginners keep a Tarot journal. Keeping a journal of your daily draw, quickly solidifies the information. It helps you connect the dots so that you don’t get stuck on the keywords stage.

There is a lot you can do with your Tarot journal once you have a basic understanding of the cards. If you are already beyond the beginner stage of Tarot journaling, you’ll want to check out Intentional Tarot Journaling: A Complete Spiritual Practice.

“Journal writing is a voyage to the interior.”
— Christina Baldwin

How to Get Started with Your Tarot Journal

Establishing a consistent daily practice for tarot journaling is paramount in mastering the cards and deepening your understanding of their wisdom. It is ideal to see this practice as part of a self-care routine. Consider giving it the same weight as meditation or exercise. To begin, commit to a specific time each day that is realistic and sustainable for you.

This undisturbed time should be a peaceful interlude away from the hustle of daily life. That way you can connect with the cards more deeply and record your insights without interference. For some of us, this can mean going to a café to do our Tarot journaling. Treating this time as sacred allows you to focus solely on the present moment. As the days pass, this small dedication and act of self-care can yield profound insights. And who knew that nurturing a deeper connection with your inner self could be so much fun?

The Beginner Tarot Student and Tarot Journaling

For beginners eager to learn about Tarot symbolism, starting with a Rider-Waite Tarot deck is advisable. Its imagery is straightforward and rich with traditional symbols, providing an excellent foundation for understanding the universal archetypes within the tarot.

When journaling, don’t merely write down the textbook meanings; engage with the imagery. Describe how the cards speak to you personally, noting any emotions, thoughts, or anecdotes they evoke. Sketch any symbols that stand out and jot down notes about anything that catches your eye. Contemplate how the card relates to your life. Once you are a bit further along, experiment with different Tarot spreads. You can start with two-card spreads and progress to more complex layouts as your confidence grows.

Get Creative

Making tarot journaling an enjoyable activity will help sustain this healthy practice. Personalise your journal; use coloured pens or stickers to decorate the pages or attach pictures that resonate with you. You might enjoy pairing your journaling with a morning coffee or evening tea, turning it into a centring and grounding daily ritual.

Embrace creativity by writing poems, letters, or dialogues inspired by the cards. You can even craft short stories where the cards serve as characters or plot devices. There is no need to shy away from digital options. There are many apps and online platforms that provide a fun journaling experience, offering a space for notes alongside a virtual deck to practice with. Remember, the key to tarot journaling is to make it a reflective and engaging practice that you look forward to every day.

Stuck for ideas? Check out these Tarot Journaling Prompts HERE (Majors) and HERE (Minors).


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