reiki principles tarot spread

The Five Reiki Principles Tarot Spread

the five reiki principles tarot spread

Not long after recovering from RTS, I felt drawn to Reiki once more. My first encounter with Reiki goes as far back as 1997. Practising Reiki self-healing and reciting the five Reiki principles daily is already bringing more peace into my life daily. This morning, after my Gassho meditation practice, I thought it might be fun to make a Reiki Principles Tarot Spread.

The Reiki principles in Japanese are:

Kyo dakewa – Just for today
Ikaru na – Do not be angry
Shinpai suna – Do not worry
Kansha shite – Be grateful
Gyo o hagame – Do your duties
Hito ni shinsetsu ni – Be kind to others

You can learn how to pronounce them HERE. I had to memorise these when I did my Jikiden Reiki training in 2016 but had forgotten them. Now that I’m relearning them, I find that they feel more powerful. It’s not necessary to use the Japanese but it does feel more ‘attuned’ somehow. Try it for yourself and see!

I also prefer the wording. Instead of saying ‘I will…’ it’s as if the Higher Self is instructing the ego. So that is the wording I will use for the spread positions in the Reiki Principles Tarot Spread below.

The Reiki Principles Tarot Spread

reiki principles tarot spread for the day ahead
  1. Kyo dakewa – Just for today. The main theme/lesson of the day that you need to be aware of
  2. Ikaru na – Do not be angry. A potential source of frustration, anger or irritation (If a court card shows up in this position, please note that it could be you. Even if it is someone else triggering irritation or anger, they are usually reflecting something at you.)
  3. Shinpai suna – Do not worry. A trigger for worry or a source of calm
  4. Kansha shite – Be grateful. Something to give thanks for
  5. Gyo o hagame – Do your duties. Focus your energy on this today
  6. Hito ni shinsetsu ni – Be kind to others. Something you can do to brighten someone’s day or someone who needs extra kindness today
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If you like to combine your Reiki Practice with Tarot, you will love this Reiki Healing Tarot Spread!

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