heart of magic tarot spread

The Heart of Magic Tarot Spread

the heart of magic tarot spread

Recent Sekhmet Reiki studies inspired the Heart of Magic Tarot Spread below. These studies are, in turn, inspired by a relatively recent dream.

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Try a Guided Healing Meditation with the Goddess Sekhmet

The Wadjet Dream

A few weeks ago, I dreamed that I was in a dark room with another female. She was standing behind me so I couldn’t see her. She touched my left shoulder blade and said, ‘You have a Wadjet there.’ I was afraid that she would try to remove it so I started levitating, high enough to be out of her reach. I remember relishing the connection with Wadjet and somehow knowing it gave me power. Then I woke up and started researching. And I never really stopped.

A Visit from Nephthys

It is really rather odd that I have not done a deep dive into Egyptian mysteries sooner. About 12 years ago, I had a visitation by Nephthys. She dropped in unannounced while I was meditating. It felt like a friendly visit from someone I had a deep soul bond with.

I still recall her ringing laughter when I asked her who she was. She told me some things about her that checked out when I Googled her name. As I didn’t know how to spell it, I entered it the way it sounded to my Swedish ears, Neftis, but I got there in the end.

She is, of course, the sister of Isis. Honestly, I had no idea. Egypt never really had a pull on my psyche until very recently. Perhaps it started with the Wadjet dream on a soul level… but even before that, my intellectual interest had been piqued. My husband and I are currently reading Magicians of the Gods by Graham Hancock together.

While Hancock doesn’t go as deep into the Egyptian Mysteries in this book as he apparently does in Fingerprints of the Gods (which I have yet to read!), he does divulge enough for me to have my mind blown several times over. He makes the connection between Atlantis and Ancient Egypt seem almost undeniable. And if there is any way we can recover at least some of the lost Atlantean technology, we should at least try!

goddess sekhmet

Ab Activation

So I’m doing this Sekhmet Reiki course on Udemy at the moment. It turns out that there is an Egyptian equivalent to the Reiki Principles. These Sekhem principles are part of an ancient ritual known as the Ab Activation. Ab means heart.

I absolutely love the Sekhmet Reiki Sekhem Principles even though I have no way of verifying that they are genuinely ancient. Allegedly, they were part of the practices of the priesthood of Sekhmet.

The Sekhem Principles

  • Enok Rekh Ab – I know my heart
  • Enok Nufer Ab – I have a beautiful heart
  • Enok Nufer Ba – I have a beautiful soul
  • Enok Nufer Seshen – I am a beautiful lotus flower
  • Enok Waeyb M Seshen – I am pure like a lotus flower
  • Enok Ba Akhu – I am a bright soul
  • Enok Meri Neb – I love everything
  • Enok Ankh M Hotep – I live in peace
  • Enok Sejem Het-Heru – I follow the guidance of love, Hathor
  • Enok Sejem Aset – I follow the guidance of wisdom, Isis

I used five of the above principles to create the Heart of Magic Tarot Spread below.

The Heart of Magic Tarot Spread

the heart of magic tarot spread
  1. I know my heart – Allow the card in this position to illuminate an aspect of your heart
  2. I love everything – The card here shows you something in need of extra love
  3. I live in peace – If anything disturbs your peace, it will show here so that you can transmute it
  4. I follow Het-Heru – What action you need to take to follow the guidance of love
  5. I follow Aset – What action to take to follow the guidance of wisdom

Refer cards 2-4 back and read them together with the central card, card 1, that reveals an aspect of your heart.

Remember that no matter what you see in position one, you have a beautiful heart. If you do not like what you see, it just means it needs some extra love. Your heart is trying to show you an aspect that wants to be brought into alignment.

The Heart of Magic Sample Reading with the Egyptian Tarot

Card 1: I know my heart – 6 of Pentacles

The 6 of Pentacles in the position of “I know my heart” suggests that the heart of the matter lies in your relationship with giving and receiving. It indicates a balance of resources and generosity, possibly suggesting that you find joy in helping others and being of service. There’s an inherent understanding of the flow of support and charity within you, and this card illuminates your natural inclination towards empathy and fairness in emotional exchanges.

Card 2: I love everything – 9 of Cups

The 9 of Cups shows something that needs extra love, and in this case, it may reflect your dreams and wishes. It’s a reminder to nourish your desires and be grateful for the abundance in your life. It also reminds you that true happiness often comes from emotional fulfilment and not just material achievements. Show love to your aspirations by taking the time to appreciate what you have and setting intentions for your personal satisfaction and well-being.

Card 3: I live in peace – Death

The Death card here indicates that what may be disturbing your peace is a significant change or transformation that’s either happening or needs to take place. While change can be unsettling, this card urges you to transmute your fears and let go of old patterns that no longer serve you. Embrace the natural end of a cycle to allow for new growth and peaceful transitions.

Card 4: I follow Het-Heru – King of Swords

To follow the guidance of love as guided by Het-Heru (Hathor), the King of Swords advises you to act with clear communication and intellectual understanding. Make decisions in your relationships based on truth and fairness, and don’t shy away from having important conversations. This card signifies using discernment and authority in matters of the heart to create harmonious and respectful connections.

Card 5: I follow Aset – 2 of Wands

The guidance of wisdom, through Aset (Isis), is reflected in the 2 of Wands. This card is about planning and looking forward, as well as being bold and assertive in the face of new ventures. Wisdom suggests that you should plot your course with foresight and prepare to step into uncharted territories with confidence. It’s also a call to align your actions with your true purpose and expand your horizons.

When referring cards 2-4 back to card 1, we see a narrative forming. The 6 of Pentacles’ message of balance in giving and receiving becomes the foundation from which you should approach your personal desires (9 of Cups), your acceptance of change (Death), and your relationships (King of Swords). Collectively, these actions are anchored by your heart’s truth, ensuring that your future decisions (2 of Wands) resonate with your deepest values and desires.

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Looking for an Ancient Egypt-themed deck to do these kinds of readings with? Check out my review of the Mini Egyptian Tarot deck!

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