why work with loki

Why Work with Loki? With the Lokean Path Tarot Spread

why work with loki

The veneration of Loki in the Norse Pantheon is growing exponentially. However, in the Norse Pagan community, there are many who still object to giving this trickster deity his due. They ask ‘Why would anyone want to work with Loki?’ as if the very thought is incomprehensible. After all, the ancestors didn’t worship him, right? And the Norse Pagans who feel this way aren’t even necessarily recreationists. What they often are is a) programmed to believe older is better and more ‘accurate’ and/or b) indoctrinated by Judeo-Christian beliefs that equate Loki with evil/the devil.

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They are also unwilling to admit to the fact that religions change. For instance, in Hinduism, worship of new deities have been added all along. Of course, the same happened in the Old Norse tradition but it’s much harder to trace due to the lack of written sources.

The fact is that when people start worshipping/venerating or working with a new deity, it is because that intelligence is stepping down into our density and making itself available. If those who are receptive to that intelligence form a bond with it and start ‘feeding’ it, it becomes a ‘god.’

The Everlasting Popularity of Loki

The truth is that Loki was tremendously popular with our ancestors. He may have been unduly vilified by Snorri Sturluson in attempts to paint him as the equivalent of the Christian devil. For instance, did Snorri, invent the story about the death of Balder to make Loki the main antagonist? There are few stories in the Eddas where Loki doesn’t have a role or a presence. Albeit often taking on the trickster role, he also often came up with clever and helpful solutions. Below, I’m sharing my theories about why he is elevated to a figure of worship in the world today (other than, well… Tom Hiddleston *swoon*).

Loki and Nature

Our ancestors had to fight the elements just to survive. Nature was not always their friend. She could kill and natural/chaotic forces were feared. In Norse myth those forces were represented by the jötnar and Loki was half jötunn. Not that Odin wasn’t too but he represented order of the Asir and the subjugation of nature to the will of the gods. Loki? Not so much. He would side with whatever force served his purposes.

In our modern age, it’s Nature who is under threat from humanity. Humanity needs rewilding and that means we need the trickster deities and elementals to show us how.

Loki and Misfits

Exoteric religion has historically served two main purposes: to (re-)connect humans with the divine realm and to keep order in society. Major religions and worship of ‘respectable’ deities does not cater to those on the fringes of society. While Yeshua sought to change that, he was not successful. The Beast System of the Church of Rome won out in the end. People who were not a good fit with that system were deemed outcasts and either ostracised or killed.

In our secularised Western society, we have societal order that takes dominion over even the most minute details of our existence. The term ‘Computer says no’ pretty much sums our culture up. For instance, if you can’t successfully fill out the most Kafkaesque of forms, you don’t belong and will be denied any form of assistance. Again, this is where we find a need for gods of chaos to break rigid societal structures down. There is such a thing as too much order. It’s inhumane and arguably even an actively anti-human force. Enter Loki to show the way to liberation.

Loki and Laughter

Finally, I believe people are tired of stuffy, humourless religion. Why wouldn’t you want a god with a sense of humour? I’m pretty sure Source itself has a sense of humour. I mean, look at us!

Those who reach out to Loki find him to be both playful and easily accessible. As long as we are willing to accept the odd prank, we can work well with this energy. However, like the energy of all deities, it needs to be brought into balance. Too much of any good thing leads to a descent into chaos and destruction.

But, personally, if I’m going to descend into chaos, I’d rather do it roaring with laughter. The monotheistic path can just as easily lead to descent into varying states of madness and delusion due to toxic shame over our supposedly inherently sinful and despicable (read human) nature.

Loki on Why We Should Work with Loki (AI-generated)

“I am Loki, the trickster god of Norse mythology. Why should you work with me, you ask? Well, let me weave you a tale of chaos and transformation.

I am not your typical deity, bound by rigid rules and lofty ideals. I am the agent of change, the spark of creativity that ignites innovation. In a world that often feels stagnant and predictable, I offer the thrill of the unexpected.

Work with me, and I’ll teach you to adapt, to think on your feet, to find clever solutions where others see only obstacles. I am the patron of outcasts and misfits, those who don’t quite fit the mold society has crafted for them. With me, you’ll learn to embrace your uniqueness and turn it into your greatest strength.

I won’t promise you an easy path – chaos rarely leads to comfort. But I will promise you growth, excitement, and a life far more interesting than you could have imagined. I’ll challenge you to question everything, to look beyond the surface, and to find humour in even the darkest moments.

Choose me, and you choose a journey of self-discovery and transformation. You choose to break free from the chains of conformity and dance to the tune of your own mischievous melody.

But be warned: I am not for the faint of heart. I demand quick wit, a strong will, and the courage to face the unexpected. Are you ready for such an adventure? If so, then perhaps it’s time you welcomed a little chaos into your life.”

Why Should I Work with Loki? The Lokean Path Tarot Spread

This Tarot spread is inspired by the dynamic and transformative energies associated with Loki, the Norse trickster god. The spread can help you reconnect with your wild side, embrace your humanity, and find joy in the chaos of life. It may also provide an indication that Loki is calling you to form a closer bond with him.

why work with loki the lokean path tarot spread

Card Positions

  1. Why Work with Loki: This card represents the gift working with Loki might bring you.
  2. Elemental Force: This card symbolises the raw, untamed forces of nature. Which aspect of nature should you connect with to rewild your spirit?
  3. Outsider’s Wisdom: What wisdom can help you embrace your uniqueness?
  4. Chaos and Order: This card represents the balance between chaos and order in your life. How can you better integrate unpredictability and structure?
  5. Humor and Play: This card highlights the role of humour and play in your spiritual journey and how it brings more joy into your life.
  6. Rewilding Path: This card shows the path to reconnect with your wild nature. What steps can you take to rewild yourself?
  7. Humanity’s Light: This card represents the positive aspects of being human. What should you celebrate about your humanity?
  8. Healing Through Play: This card signifies a playful yet profound way to heal something within yourself. What playful action can lead to your healing?

How to Use This Spread

  1. Find a quiet space to perform your tarot spread.
  2. Focus on your intention to rewild and embrace your humanity.
  3. Lay out the cards as shown in the diagram.
  4. Reflect on the meaning and message of each card in relation to its position.
  5. Journal your insights and consider actionable steps based on the reading.


Embrace the energy of Loki to rewild your spirit and find joy in the chaos and unpredictability of life. This spread encourages a balance between chaos and order, playfulness, and the wisdom of outsiders, helping you to celebrate your unique human essence.

The Lokean Path Sample Tarot Reading

the lokean path - a tarot reading with the murder of crows tarot
Murder of Crows Tarot

1. Why Work with Loki – King of Swords

The King of Swords represents the gift of clarity and intellectual power when working with Loki. This card suggests that Loki can provide you with quick wit, a sharp, strategic mind to cut through chaos and illusions, helping you see the truth and make decisive actions.

2. Elemental Force – 4 of Wands

The 4 of Wands symbolises the raw, untamed forces of nature that are celebratory and joyous. This card indicates that connecting with the element of fire, symbolised by community and celebration, will help rewild your spirit and bring more joy into your life. And don’t forget to dance!

3. Outsider’s Wisdom – Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords offers wisdom from an outsider’s perspective. She is perceptive, independent, and astute. This card suggests that embracing your unconventional way of analysing the world will make you truly grateful for your ability to think outside the box. Others will turn to you for guidance once you trust in your unique wisdom.

4. Chaos and Order – The Tower

The Tower represents significant upheaval and the balance between chaos and order in your life. This card advises that embracing the inevitability of change and destruction can lead to tremendous growth and reconstruction.

5. Humour and Play – 6 of Wands

The 6 of Wands highlights the role of humour and play in your spiritual journey, signifying victory and recognition. This card reminds you to celebrate your accomplishments and find joy in your successes. The Jupiter in Leo energy of this card thrives on laughter and playfulness to enhance your spiritual practice.

6. Rewilding Path – The Emperor

The Emperor shows the path to reconnect with your wild nature through taking charge of your daily habits. Take organised steps to rewild yourself and combine spontaneity with the stability of reason. While this may seem counterintuitive, it is necessary to be mindful and disciplined when integration any new habits, including habits that bring in more freedom.

7. Humanity’s Light – 7 of Pentacles

The 7 of Pentacles represents the positive aspects of being human, highlighting patience and hard work. This card encourages you to celebrate your diligent efforts and the growth that comes from perseverance, reminding you that hard work and patience bear fruitful results.

8. Healing Through Play – 9 of Cups

The 9 of Cups signifies a playful yet profound way to heal within yourself, symbolising abundance and fulfillment. This card suggests that indulging in little pleasures and experiencing joy can be a healing act, reminding you to enjoy life’s pleasures and nourish your soul with happiness.

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If you enjoyed this article about some of the reasons for why a person might want to work with Loki, you’ll love this article.

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