Happy Friday, friends! The Autumn Equinox falls on 22 September this year in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Witch’s Wheel of the Year this day is known as Mabon. Mabon is traditionally the second of the three harvest festivals, with Lammas being the first and Samhain being the third. For today’s Mabon Autumn Equinox pick-a-pile readings, we find guidance around the Mabon themes of harvest, balance and gratitude.
Before scrolling down to your individual reading, you may wish to find out a bit more about Mabon, traditional correspondences, deities and ways to celebrate. If not, feel free to jump to your chosen reading using the links below:
- Jump to Mabon Autumn Equinox Pick-a-Pile Reading 1
- Jump to Mabon Autumn Equinox Pick-a-Pile Reading 2
- Jump to Mabon Autumn Equinox Pick-a-Pile Reading 3
For all three readings, we are working the Waite Smith Tarot deck. As with any general reading, take what resonates with your soul and leave the rest. May these readings offer you insight, guidance, and a deeper connection to the sacred energies at play today.
The Mabon Autumn Equinox Celebration
As mentioned above, Mabon marks the second harvest festival and the beginning of fall. It occurs around September 21-23 in the Northern Hemisphere when day and night are of equal length. This is also the start of Libra Season in tropical astrology. The holiday is named after the Welsh god Mabon, though this is a relatively modern association.
Traditional Correspondences
- Orange, red, brown, gold
Herbs and Plants:
- Apples, grapes, acorns, pine cones, wheat
- Rosemary, sage, marigold
- Amber, citrine, tiger’s eye
- Earth and Air
Associated Deities
While Mabon itself is not an ancient holiday, several deities are associated with the harvest season:
- Demeter and Persephone (Greek)
- Pomona (Roman)
- The Green Man (various traditions)
- Modron (Welsh)
Ways to Celebrate
- Create a Mabon altar with seasonal items like gourds, apples, and autumn leaves.
- Perform a gratitude ritual, giving thanks for the year’s blessings.
- Host a harvest feast with seasonal foods.
- Go apple picking or visit a local farm.
- Craft a corn dolly as a symbol of the harvest.
- Meditate on balance, reflecting the equal day and night.
- Perform a cleansing ritual for your home.
- Take a nature walk to observe the changing seasons.
- Create fall-themed crafts like leaf rubbings or pinecone decorations.
- Conduct a Mabon Tarot reading for insight into the coming season. You can find one Mabon Tarot Spread HERE and another one HERE.
You’ll find a more in-depth article about ways to celebrate Mabon HERE. Remember, Mabon celebrations can be adapted to personal preferences and local traditions. The key themes to focus on are gratitude, balance, and the abundance of the harvest season.
[1] https://www.mabonhouse.co/mabon
[2] https://dailydish.co.uk/a-mabon-celebration-rituals-blessings/
[3] https://religionnews.com/2022/09/22/as-pagans-celebrate-autumn-equinox-some-question-why-mabon-is-its-symbolic-deity/
[4] https://www.thenotsoinnocentsabroad.com/blog/how-to-celebrate-mabon-rituals-traditions-and-the-magic-of-the-autumn-equinox
[5] https://mama-nature.co.uk/2023/09/14/mabon-2023-a-witches-guide-to-embracing-and-celebrating-the-harvest-season/
[6] https://thebusypagan.com/pagan-holidays/mabon/
Mabon Autumn Equinox Tarot Spread
- The Harvest: What have I cultivated so far this year?
- Balance: How can I find equilibrium as the seasons shift?
- Gratitude: What blessings should I acknowledge and appreciate?
Pile 1

1. The Harvest – The High Priestess
The High Priestess represents intuition, mystery, and hidden knowledge. In the context of the Harvest, this card suggests that your efforts this year have yielded significant spiritual insights and a deeper connection to your inner wisdom. You have cultivated a strong sense of intuition and understanding of things beyond the surface. Your harvest includes a profound sense of self-awareness and the ability to trust your inner voice, which guides you through life’s complexities.
2. Balance – 5 of Swords
The 5 of Swords symbolises conflict, tension, and the aftermath of battles. In the position of Balance, this card indicates that finding equilibrium may require addressing and resolving disagreements or conflicts in your life. This could mean acknowledging any losses and learning from past mistakes. True balance comes from letting go of resentment and choosing to walk away from situations that no longer serve you. Strive to find peace by understanding that not all battles are worth fighting and that sometimes, the best victory is a peaceful resolution.
3. Gratitude – Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords embodies quick thinking, action, and determination. In the position of Gratitude, this card suggests that you should appreciate and acknowledge the drive and clarity of thought that have propelled you forward. Be grateful for your ability to act decisively and to pursue your goals with unwavering determination. This sense of direction and the courage to take swift action have been significant blessings, enabling you to tackle challenges head-on and make meaningful progress toward your aspirations.
Pile 2

1. The Harvest – Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords embodies quick thinking, action, and determination. In the context of the Harvest, this card suggests that your efforts this year have been driven by a sharp, focused intent and a decisive approach. You have cultivated a sense of purpose and clarity of thought, allowing you to achieve your goals with assertiveness and resolution. Your harvest includes the rewards of your swift and determined actions, showcasing your ability to confront challenges head-on and advance with vigor.
2. Balance – Page of Wands
The Page of Wands symbolises enthusiasm, exploration, and a thirst for adventure. In the position of Balance, this card indicates that finding equilibrium involves embracing new opportunities and maintaining a curious, youthful spirit. To achieve true balance, you must nurture your passion for exploring new territories and ideas. This card advises you to stay open to inspiration and maintain a positive, adventurous outlook to discover new paths and possibilities that bring harmony and excitement to your life.
3. Gratitude – 8 of Wands
The 8 of Wands signifies swift action, progress, and movement. In the position of Gratitude, this card suggests that you should appreciate the rapid advancements and momentum you have experienced. Be grateful for the periods of swift progress and the opportunities that have propelled you forward. Acknowledge the speed at which your goals are being realised and the dynamic energy that has driven your achievements. This sense of rapid motion and the ability to effectively harness opportunities have been significant blessings, aiding your journey toward success and fulfillment.
Pile 3

1. The Harvest – 8 of Swords
The 8 of Swords symbolises feeling trapped, restricted, and facing limitations. In the context of the Harvest, this card suggests that self-doubt or a sense of confinement hindered you from reaching your goals. However, recognising these constraints is part of your harvest. You have gained awareness of the mental blocks and external limitations that have impacted your progress. The key takeaway is acknowledging these challenges and understanding that you have the power to navigate through or break free from them. This realisation is crucial in paving the way for future growth and freedom.
2. Balance – Death
The Death card signifies transformation, endings, and new beginnings. In the position of Balance, this card indicates that finding equilibrium involves embracing significant change and the release of the old to welcome the new. True balance comes from allowing natural cycles of transformation and understanding that endings are often necessary for growth and renewal. Letting go of what no longer serves you and being open to transformation will help you find peace and harmony in the ever-changing flow of life.
3. Gratitude – 3 of Pentacles
The 3 of Pentacles represents teamwork, collaboration, and craftsmanship. In the position of Gratitude, this card suggests that you should appreciate and acknowledge the supportive relationships and collective efforts that have contributed to your achievements. Be grateful for the cooperation, shared goals, and the skills of those who have worked alongside you. This card highlights the importance of community and the combined talents that have propelled your projects forward. Recognising the value of collaboration and the contributions of others is key to continued growth.
By reflecting on the limitations indicated by the 8 of Swords, embracing the transformative power of the Death card, and appreciating the collaborative efforts of the 3 of Pentacles, you can navigate the complexities of life with greater awareness, openness to change, and gratitude for the support around you.
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