Working with positive life purpose Tarot affirmations is one way we can actively clear self-doubt and manifest our life purpose. The ego does not like us to move forward on the path of our life purpose because it always means bypassing the fear-riddled inner chatter of the ego which is only concerned with preserving the status quo.
The relentless opposition and chatter of the monkey-mind are due to the ego only being interested in selfish gain, whereas true alignment with one’s life purpose means selfless service. By this, I do not mean that we should not be compensated for what we do but that the driving force on the path of any person’s life purpose is always a willingness to use one’s gifts for the Highest Good, regardless of how much this might take us out of our comfort zone.
The ego loves excuses and the perfect antidote to excuses is… you guessed it! Affirmations!
Below you will find 10 Tarot cards I have chosen to help you bravely move forward in full alignment with your calling. Some of the cards are directly related to work and career while others have a more subtle connection but can help you free up the creative thought process necessary for connecting with your inner guidance, which is definitely the key for all of us. We must not fear the silence – only there can we access the deep inner wisdom which allows us to express what is uniquely ours.
The deck used in this post is the Frideborg Tarot but you can use these affirmations with any deck that speaks to you. Carry the card with you as a reminder or take a photo of the card/affirmation you are working with and keep it as the screen saver on your phone.
Pull out the card that resonates most with where you are at this point in time and meditate on it for a while. Say the affirmation out loud and see how it sits. You may wish to tweak it a bit to be a perfect fit for you – something I totally encourage you to do! Once you have decided which affirmation to work, I recommend taking a picture of it to keep as a screensaver on your phone and/or placing it on your altar to help remind you.
(You can download a digital copy of the Frideborg Tarot deck to use with Orphaelse software FREE of charge HERE.)
Life Purpose Tarot Affirmations

Tarot Card: The High Priestess
Tarot Affirmation: I go deep into silence to connect with my true purpose.
Element: Water
Archangel: Gabriel
Colour: White/Copper
Crystal: Moon Stone
Zodiac correspondence: The Moon

Tarot Card: The Wheel of Fortune
Tarot Affirmation: I create my own luck. I am the co-creatrix of my divine destiny and gladly take necessary risks to grow on this journey.
Element: Fire/Water
Archangel: Sachiel
Colour: Indigo
Crystal: Ametrine
Zodiac correspondence: Jupiter

Tarot Card: The Empress
Tarot Affirmation: I am infinitely creative and always come up with the perfect solution to unstick myself from any stuckness.
Element: Earth/Air
Archangel: Anael
Colour: Pink/Green
Crystal: Green jade
Zodiac correspondence: Venus

Tarot Card: 3 of Pentacles
Tarot Affirmation: I am a reliable team member. I pull my own weight and know that by helping my colleagues, I am helping us all.
Element: Earth
Archangel: Cassiel
Colour: Dark brown
Crystal: Trilobite
Zodiac correspondence: Mars in Capricorn

Tarot Card: The Emperor
Tarot Affirmation: I am disciplined and organised. I honour and use the voice of my inner father for the Highest Good of all when it has a healthy expression.
Element: Fire
Archangel: Camael
Colour: Red
Crystal: Red Jasper
Zodiac correspondence: Aries

Tarot Card: The Moon
Tarot Affirmation: The greater the purpose, the bigger the fear. I feel the fear and do it anyway.
Element: Water
Archangel: Asariel
Colour: Milky blue-green
Crystal: Amazonite
Zodiac correspondence: Pisces

Tarot Card: The Star
Tarot Affirmation: I shift my focus from self to those who stand to benefit from my gifts and vision. The better I get at creating this shift, the weaker the voice of my ego.
Element: Air
Archangel: Uriel
Colour: White
Crystal: Clear Quartz
Zodiac correspondence: Aquarius
Tarot Card: Judgement
Tarot Affirmation: Every day, I re-member more and more of why I am here and how I can best serve humanity with my gifts. I receive clear divine messages that allow me to awaken fully and to awaken others in turn.
Element: Fire
Archangel: Michael/Gabriel/Azrael
Colour: White/Copper
Crystal: Fire Opal
Zodiac correspondence: Pluto
Tarot Card: The Fool
Tarot Affirmation: On this Fool’s Journey, I steadily gain a sense of direction while keeping my sense of emotional freedom intact. I embrace unexpected experiences along the way and cherish the excitement of the journey.
Element: Air
Archangel: Uriel
Colour: Yellow
Crystal: Clear quartz
Zodiac correspondence: Uranus
Tarot Card: 4 of Swords
Tarot Affirmation: I remember to take regular breaks. All my best ideas surface when I’m engaged in relaxing activities. I have a perfect work/life balance.
Element: Air
Archangel: Anael
Colour: Green
Crystal: Green aventurine
Zodiac Correspondence: Jupiter in Libra
Hope you enjoy these. Do feel free to come up with your own for any Tarot cards you feel drawn to work with or ask me to come up with one in the comments below! The sooner we all align and begin manifesting our true purpose in life, the sooner this world will begin to heal.
Angel Blessings
Lisa Frideborg
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This is inspiring and so useful, thanks Lisa.
Thanks, Laura – glad you enjoyed this! 🙂