10 Signs That You Are Called to Practise Angelic Tarot

angelic tarot

In today’s post, we look at some of the signs that you have a calling to do Angelic Tarot work.

1. You are an Angel lover 

You have loved angels all your life and can’t for your life understand how anyone could not believe in these benevolent divine helpers. In your home, you probably have images and angel figurines dotted around your house to remind yourself that angelic support and guidance are always available. You may collect angel-themed Tarot and oracle decks. In fact, you may already be doing Angelic Tarot!

2. You have made contact with your Guardian Angel

This probably happened when you were very young, even though you may not have been able to put words to the experience at the time. You will probably have at least one major out-of-body experience and a few other miraculous experiences of divine intervention and protection.

How you interact and sense the presence of your Guardian Angel varies from individual to individual. It may be subtle like tingling in the crown chakra or you could receive clairaudient messages from your GA with more or less regular frequency. For some, it simply means being sensitive to the angelic signs left in the physical world, such as feathers and the occurrence of rainbows or certain types of birds at auspicious times.

3. You recognise that your life purpose involves service to mankind

From as far back as you can remember you have known that you are here on earth for a reason and that your life is not entirely your own. An angelic calling is the calling to help mankind evolve spiritually, in awareness of divine oneness, as well as to help people with their physical needs. This will have led you down many paths of spiritual knowledge in the search for the truth and a ‘mission description.’ Eventually, you realise that the truth lies within. You trust that you can rely on divine tools of guidance such as the Tarot to extract this truth.

4. You have a thirst for metaphysical knowledge

With an acute awareness of the truth of the magical axiom ‘As above, so below,’ you will have a thirst for learning as much as possible about subjects covering correspondences and synchronicity. This probably means that you will have studied a few different esoteric or metaphysical topics already.

5. You love the Tarot

You have realised that the Tarot is the best and most complete tool for divine guidance. It also helps with alignment with your life purpose, healing and spiritual pathworking. Your understanding of the Tarot is that it is a condensed ‘infographic’ covering all the spiritual lessons we must learn in order to evolve. The insights that surface in readings for Self or Seekers never cease to amaze you. So you continue to explore ways to use the Tarot in the most healing and uplifting way possible.

6. You start your readings with a prayer

It seems natural for you to invoke divine guidance and protection for yourself and your clients. Again, you may already be doing Angelic Tarot work!

7. The main aim of your Tarot practice is healing and spiritual development

You have very little interest in ‘telling fortunes’ because you understand that the future is not set in stone and you do not wish to induce a karmic burden for yourself by ‘meddling’ in the fate of Seekers.  You understand that angelic guidance is about helping your Seeker align with the fullness of their own divine potential so that they can make the best choices for themselves.

8. You always seek to empower those who come to you for readings

The way you empower your clients is by showing the challenges, blessings and opportunities that lie ahead on their path. However, the main focus is on what is going on inside the Seeker. You help the Seeker understand that they are the co-creator of their own destiny and that what they think today, they will live/experience tomorrow. You never make your clients depend on you for guidance. Instead, you strive to show them how to rely a little more on their inner divine guidance.

9. You have a holistic approach to your readings

This means that you always strive to see the bigger picture and understand how mind-body-spirit connects both for Self and for Seekers. You have studied other healing topics so ‘fortify’ your readings for when Seekers come to you with questions about their wellbeing. You could be using crystals, flower essences, essential oils, herbal remedies and other holistic healing modalities for this.

10. You want to learn more about how to combine Tarot and your love for the Angelic Realm

Check THIS POST out, where I share some of my top tips on how to use the Tarot cards for communicating with the Angelic Realm!


Comments 13

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  1. Pingback: A Reading on Jupiter in Virgo – The Tarot Mystic

  2. Hi Lisa,
    Definitely interested, I filled out the form above, looks like it worked. Turning to the Angelic realm for guidance, support and healing is something I’ve been doing for years and encourage my children to do as well. Looking forward to your course!

    1. Post
  3. I didn’t think I would have so many of these signs. I was looking in the wrong place for my readings, as an energy healer I work with Angels! Duh!..I am interested in the course! Thank you Lisa!

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  4. Hey Lisa,
    Quite an article! I’ve always wanted to learn, and I’ve always wanted a reading. I pray everyday to my guardian angel and to archangel Michael, to whom I ask for protection and to cut bad energies around me and the people I love.
    I talk a lot with my angels. To bad that lately I can’t seem to get an answer of them.
    They’re quite special for me.

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  5. I thought I was not going to have any of the signs apply to me but they all do at this time. Very interesting and well put together. It made me consider working more with angels at this time with my Tarot.

    1. Post

      That’s great, Aaron. The eCourse will give you a structured and efficient way of memorising all the angelic correspondences and teach you some unique tools and techniques I have developed. Blessings

    1. Post

      Thanks for your interest in the eCourse, Stacey and thank you also for the heads up on the form. I will look into that and add your name to the list. Blessings, Lisa

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