Archangel Michael - Angelic Tarot Correspondences

Archangel and Tarot Correspondences

Archangel Michael - Angelic Tarot Correspondences

Here is a list of Angel/Tarot correspondences that can help you do more in-depth work with your personal Birthday Angel. For instance, if you are born on a Monday and any of the Gabriel cards show up in a reading, you know that your Birthday Angel has a special message for you.

Monday – Gabriel / The Moon

The High Priestess (Moon)
6 of Disks (Moon in Taurus)
4 of Cups (Moon in Cancer)
2 of Swords (Moon in Libra)
9 of Wands (Moon in Sagittarius)
7 of Swords (Moon in Aquarius)

Tuesday – Camael / Mars

The Tower (Mars)
2 of Wands (Mars in Aries)
9 of Swords (Mars in Gemini)
7 of Wands (Mars in Leo)
5 of Cups (Mars in Scorpio)
3 of Disks (Mars in Capricorn)
10 of Cups (Mars in Pisces)

Wednesday – Raphael / Mercury

The Magician (Mercury)
5 of Pentacles (Mercury in Taurus)
3 of Cups (Mercury in Cancer)
10 of Pentacles (Mercury in Virgo)
8 of Wands (Mercury in Sagittarius)
6 of Swords (Mercury in Aquarius)

Thursday – Sachiel / Jupiter

The Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter)
8 of Swords (Jupiter in Gemini)
6 of Wands (Jupiter in Leo)
4 of Swords (Jupiter in Libra)
2 of Pentacles (Jupiter in Capricorn)
9 of Cups (Jupiter in Pisces)

Friday – Anael / Venus

The Empress (Venus)
4 of Wands (Venus in Aries)
2 of Cups (Venus in Cancer)
9 of Pentacles (Venus in Virgo)
7 of Cups (Venus in Scorpio)
5 of Swords (Venus in Aquarius)

Saturday – Cassiel / Saturn

The World (Saturn)
7 of Pentacles (Saturn in Taurus)
5 of Wands (Saturn in Leo)
3 of Swords (Saturn in Libra)
10 of Wands (Saturn in Sagittarius)
8 of Cups (Saturn in Pisces)

Sunday – Michael / The Sun

The Sun (The Sun)
3 of Wands (Sun in Aries)
10 of Swords (Sun in Gemini)
8 of Pentacles (Sun in Virgo)
6 of Cups (Sun in Scorpio)
4 of Pentacles (Sun in Capricorn)

Check out 7 Ways to Invite Angels into Your Tarot Practice!
Try this Tarot Spread to connect with your 5 Personal Angels!

CLICK HERE to learn about the Archangelic Rulers of the Days of the Week!



  1. Oh You know what I didn't know Michael was the Angel for Sunday-born, but I have always considered him my personal angel. I always call upon him for my readings. I once got a reading done from someone and she said she heard the word "Michael" when she was reading for me.

    The best day of my life was when I pulled 10 of Swords. Interesting

    Thank you for posting this.

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