Black Moon Ritual Tarot Spread Zirkus Mägi

Black Moon Multi-Deck Tarot Ritual

Black Moon Ritual Tarot Ritual Tarot Spread inspired by the Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi

For this evening’s Black Moon Ritual, I felt guided to pull out the following three decks to work with: Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi (Majors only), Energy Oracle Cards and Ancient Feminine Wisdom of Goddesses and Heroines.

The inspiration for this ritual comes mainly from the Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi because the cards themselves inspired the card positions. I had in mind that I wanted a simple layout for leaving the old behind and moving forward with a bit of help from the Black Moon energy. I think the layout speaks for itself but to any noobs reading:

The Black Moon Tarot Spread

1. What I want to leave behind – Mr Bones (Death)… an intense period of transformation and learning during the current Venus retrograde
2. What I want to manifest  – The Sun… happier times, self-realization
3. How to get there – Art (Temperance)… soul alchemy
4. What will help me stay positiveThe Star… perspective, detachment, doing what is for the Highest Good of All
5. What is beyond my control – The Wheel of Fate! (Wheel of Fortune)… karma, soul contracts, events already set in motion

black moon ritual tarot reading


For the actual reading, I overlay the Majors with cards from the Energy Oracle. I really recommend this deck to anyone wanting to get started on card divination but is feeling overwhelmed at the thought of having to learn all the ins and outs of the Tarot. It’s a read-straight-out-of-the-box kinda deck.

1. Mr Bones – Hostilities. Pure rage, courtesy ‘Mr. I Forgot to Tell You I Am Married’.
2. The Sun – Indecision. I’m reading this as leaving a period of indecision behind and moving forward completely true to Self. I take back my power.
3. Art – Community. Through giving and receiving sisterly support/advice, we grow and learn together. Celebrating feminine strength and power.
4. The Star – Cornucopia. The feeling of abundance that comes from being of service to humanity and fully aligned with my Life Purpose.
5. The Wheel of Fate! – Contract. I feel very strongly that this about a soul contract with the person mentioned in connection with Mr Bones. I release control of this situation. Events beyond my control have been set in motion. I must set a course of my own and move forward… no looking back!

Finally, I laid out four cards from the Ancient Feminine Wisdom of Goddesses and Heroines oracle, for further insights and spiritual guidance. They signal a new dawn and happier times, provided I am able to come up with a plan that makes it possible for me to leave the past firmly in the… past.

Do try this at home, kids, and don’t be afraid to experiment with your own positional meanings! And naturally, you’ll use the decks you feel drawn to work with. I look forward to hearing what you come up with.



  1. I celebrate it the first.with among others a stack of pancakes 🙂
    And I am going to try out the spread of Christine Jette (Brids Wheel). I've got the book just before Yule

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