The Faery Love Cross Tarot Spread

Faery Love Cross Tarot Spread

I think that people who can’t believe in fairies aren’t worth knowing.
~Tori Amos

Forgive me for posting a bit later than usual but the Faeries have been pulling my hair all day… All they ever want to do is play! 🙂

Perhaps you didn’t know this but the Faeries like to help us with our love lives (they are extremely romantic!), although you need to be aware that they can be prank-playing tricksters and may lead you astray if you do not leave an offering before asking for their help or guidance.

They are not likely to answer questions like ‘When will I meet The One?‘ or ‘Will I get married within the next two years?‘ but they will help us get to the heart of the matter, so that we can free ourselves from any blocks to love.

With this in mind, I created the simple Faery Love Cross Spread:

1. What you are already aware of about your love life
2. What you need to know but haven’t quite figured out yet
3. A passing influence
4. A coming influence
5. Advice from the Faery Oracle

Although it would be ideal to work with a Faery Tarot deck together with a Faery Oracle deck for this reading, it will work quite well with any deck(s) you happen to have to hand. The important thing is to set the intent to connect with the Shining Ones before you lay the cards out. And whatever you do – Do NOT begin your reading before you have left an offering!

Do engage with the Faeries during the reading and don’t be afraid to ask for clarification about individual cards. They will often encourage non-traditional interpretations that hit the nail right on the head. Be in as childlike and playful a spirit and state of mind as possible… And don’t be surprised if you hear the odd ethereal-sounding giggle!

Faery Cross Love Tarot Reading with the Faerie Tarot and  Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle

1. 2 of Swords – Being aware that you are in two minds what you actually want from a love relationship

2. 9 of Swords – That there is so much fear to uncover, heal and release

3. 3 of Swords – Recent heartache/break-up

4. 9 of Wands –  Learning or re-learning about boundaries. Figuring out what you really desire before you start ove

5. Riddle Fisher (reversed) – Not wanting to see the deeper underlying issues. Escaping the truth and trying to push through in a rational fashion when it would be more conducive to connecting deeply with your own emotions.

The fairies went from the world, dear,
Because men’s hearts grew cold:
And only the eyes of children see
What is hidden from the old…
~Kathleen Foyle

Check out the Angelorum Love and Relationship Tarot Spreads!

Lisa signature


  1. I just drew the riddle fisher (upright) last night for the first time since owning the deck. Interesting… love the Tori quote, thank you

    1. Author

      Cool, thanks for sharing. I created this Tarot spread about five years ago for another site I used to own. I felt nudged to republish it… It’s Faery season, after all! 🙂

  2. Lisa – THANK YOU for sharing this with us! I love how you mentioned that fairies are especially helpful with love life questions, as they like to help us in that area (as well as other areas, I’m sure) of our lives.
    **Could you clarify for me what you mean by leaving an offering before I start any fairy reading? Is this similar to leaving honey (for example) at the bottom of a candle when working with white candle magic?**
    Thanks so much, and I can’t wait to try this spread!
    -Adam xoxo ✌☮️

  3. Thank goodness I saw your post Lisa before I try out my faerie deck! I had no idea about the offering! What do you typically suggest leaving?

    1. It can be anything shiny, pretty or sweetly scented. Food offerings are also welcome. Oh, and another thing… If you can do your reading outside, you usually get a clearer line! 🙂

  4. Hi Lisa … Was waiting for ur spread…:) I did it just now n got ….
    1. Ten of cups: I am aware about my love life that one day I will be happy with my future patner….
    2. 4 of swords: the things that I need to know … I am not putting emphases on searching for answers of my questions…. N just setting n waiting what will happen.. of wands: a young man who is influencing….
    4.8 of cups: in confusing state….
    5. Page of cups: Faries are telling me that I will get what is good for me at the end….
    Still trying to use my intuition … Correct me if I m wrong some where….
    I always love ur spreads thanks 🙂

    1. Thanks for sharing, Jasmine. The 4 of Swords seems to indicate a need for further healing before you can move on, so the suggestion then with the Page of Cups would be to connect with your emotions through the arts. I would see the 10 of Cups as what you are hoping to manifest. You know very well what it is you desire deep down (kinda the opposite of the 2 of Swords in the sample reading).

      1. Ok ok thanks for correcting me…. I m really getting knowledge from u…:) one day u will say yes ur reading is right lol 😉 thanks alot Lisa …..:)

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