Pick a Butterfly for a FREE message from Spirit

Pick a Butterfly for a FREE Spirit Message

Pick a Butterfly for a FREE message from Spirit

Did you know that butterflies are messengers of Spirit? Like birds, butterflies can carry messages from loved ones who have crossed over, as well as messages from our guardian angels and spirit guides.

Take a few deep breaths, let go of any tension on the out-breath, relax and choose the butterfly you feel most drawn to, then scroll past the picture below for your message!

CLICK HERE for more perennial readings.

pink rose

1. Green Butterfly

The green butterfly is a message to show you are on a healing journey and guided by Archangel Raphael. Call on him for guidance about your dietary choices and exercise. As you bring your energy into mind-body-spirit harmony, your gift of healing will grow stronger. If you have been wondering about training to become a healer, this is a big fat YES from the Universe!

2. Brown Butterfly

The brown butterfly shows you that practical matters, which may not always feel super fun, require your full attention at this point of your life. Make sure to keep your energy grounded by spending as much time as possible away from electronics and outdoors in nature. Call on the Earth Element spirits (gnomes) to help you with money and other practical matters. Your financial situation will improve if you do the work.

3. Yellow Butterfly

The yellow butterfly is a message to focus your attention on joy and call on Archangel Jophiel to help you see the world around you through eyes of beauty. Wearing a splash of yellow will help remind you to keep your energy high. The crystal citrine can help raise your vibration too and helps you stay optimistic. You will soon have an opportunity to make a lovely new friend.

4. Black and White Butterfly

The black and white butterfly brings a message about a need to bring masculine and feminine energy into harmony. This applies both to the energy within yourself as well as your closest relationships. Watch the flow of energy now. Are you overly passive and always at the receiving end or are you the giver in the relationship? Seek balance and call on Archangel Raguel for help if need be.

5. Indigo Butterfly

The indigo butterfly brings a message about spiritual leadership. You entered into this lifetime with a mission to guide and facilitate healing for others. You are a spiritual teacher. Don’t be afraid to be yourself – Your unique gifts are much needed in the world right now. Call on Archangel Michael for the courage to own your spiritual gifts fully.

6. Orange Butterfly

The orange butterfly brings a message from Archangel Gabriel. You have a natural gift with words and the ability to see/sense things psychically. Express this gift through writing to share daily messages of inspiration and encouragement to those around you. If you have been thinking about getting started on a book project, this is a green light… Don’t delay! Seek creative inspiration in all the beautiful things that stimulate your senses.

7. Turquoise Butterfly

The turquoise butterfly is a message that you need to start speaking your truth. Ask Archangel Sandalphon for throat chakra healing. If you have been a bit of a wallflower in the past, this is about to change as you start heeding your spiritual calling and amping up your light in the world. Be gentle and kind with yourself and know that you have angelic support all the way! Pray out loud and/or chant mantras to strengthen your throat chakra and raise your vibration.

8. Red Butterfly

Massive life changes are on the way if you choose the red butterfly. Some of them will call on you to be brave… but then you were born with a healthy dose of courage, dear Spirit Warrior. Archangel Camael is standing by to assist you through any rough patches. Wearing the colour red will help you stay strong. Don’t doubt for a second that you are a natural leader and know that you will be called on to take charge of a tricky situation very soon!

I hope you enjoyed your special message! Please give this post a social media share if you did.

A wonderful example in my own life of butterflies acting is messengers is when I saw a yellow butterfly land on the snow outside the church after my grandmother’s funeral which took place in early February on a freezing cold day in Sweden, when you would not normally expect to see a butterfly. It felt like a miracle and the best part was that all of us present saw it. We looked at each other in a state of awe.

Many years later, I went to see a medium who passed on the following message from the spirit world: Your grandmother wants you to know that when you see a yellow butterfly, it is her.

Lisa signature


  1. Wow the text that goes with my choice reflects precisely what I’m working on 🙂 tx Lisa

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