The Shit Sandwich Tarot Spread

Did your teacher talk about the ‘shit sandwich’ when you went to school? It’s a technique for how to deliver constructive criticism.

It consists of saying something supportive/encouraging, then adding in the criticism (pointing out what could be improved, along with tips about how to do so) and ending the same way you started by mentioning something that you are already doing that works.

For criticism to be constructive, you have to let the person know what already works as well as what needs improvement.

Today I received ‘constructive criticism’ from a self-appointed website expert. She more or less condemned my  other website to hell and at first wouldn’t comment at all other than to say ‘uh-oh.’ Then she listed all the faults without giving any tips on how to improve any of them.

In the end, and after conferring with friends, I decided to not take her lack of shit sandwich awareness personally. Instead, I created a 3 Card ‘Shit Sandwich’ Tarot Spread:

Gilded Tarot Royale –

Card one – The Lovers. Something I’m doing right… Well, I clearly go the theme right for the site in question! The Lovers is confirmation that specialising in Tarot for Love & Relationships was a good move. And frankly, the visitor numbers speak for themselves on that.

Card two – The Ace of Swords. Something I need to improve. The Ace of Swords here feels very much like some kind of call to action (which I know is lacking), as well as making sure that I keep introducing new ideas and concepts. I also need to start selling e-books. The focus needs to be on what is new and fresh in all departments.

Card three – The Knight of Pentacles. Another thing the siteΒ has going for it. I have already gained returning clients as well as blog readers. The Ace of Swords will help me widen my circle so that new clients can find me… but it’s wonderful to have such loyal readers and clients – for that I am truly grateful.

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Lisa signature

PS. This spread was first published on back in 2012. The love and relationship site discussed was Love Dove Tarot. The posts from both those site were moved to in 2015.


  1. Thank you, Jenny! The more I start standing up for myself and doing what I'm meant to be doing, the more haters crawl out from under their rocks lol

  2. There will ALWAYS be trolls, always be nay-sayers. Someone said if you aren't hated by someone you're not doing it right πŸ˜›

  3. That's a great spread, Lisa, thanks for sharing it! You have such a talent for turning things around, for finding the healing in the muck. Any clients would be lucky to find you, so go make somebody's day πŸ™‚

  4. I agree. She could have offered to email and make suggestions on the site, not to drag out her criticism in public. Anyone would have felt depressed after seeing this on the internet about their own website. I do hope something good can come out of this. In the meantime, this is a really nice spread. Thank you for sharing it. πŸ™‚

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