Tomorrow, those of us who live in the Northern hemisphere celebrate Samhain. Samhain is the Sabbat of the Third (final) Harvest and the New Year in the Pagan Wheel of the Year. This is when the veil between worlds is believed to be the thinnest and we get an opportunity to reconnect with departed loved ones. One lovely way of honouring their memory and creating this connection is to set an empty place at the dinner table. Another ways is to include images or mementos from their loved ones on your Samhain altar.
Some witches and Pagans also take the opportunity to do their year ahead reading on Samhain Eve. Personally, I like to use the Zodiac Tarot spread but this year, I’m doing it with a twist. I’m using my crystal oracle and the corresponding number of Tarot cards to first locate my power crystal for the year ahead.
The Power Crystal Tarot Divination Method
Gather your crystals or get your crystal divination kit out. Choose your significator and separate it from the rest of the cards in the Tarot deck. Let’s say you have 24 crystals. You would then pull another 23 cards from the top of your deck. Put the significator back with the 23 cards you just pulled, shuffle, cut and deal.
Spread the cards out in equal rows (or as near equal as possible). From your crystal pouch pull one crystal at a time until you have one crystal for each card. Turn the cards over until you find your significator. The crystal that is on top of this card is your power crystal for the year ahead. In my case, it just happened to by my favourite personal crystal – amethyst:
You may wish to do a mini reading of the cards surrounding your signifier to look for relevant themes in the year ahead…
Next – Do Your Year Ahead Tarot Reading!
I like to use the 12 Houses Zodiac Tarot Spread… Click on the image to find it if you want to learn more!
As you can see from the central theme card in my year ahead reading, it is obvious that I will need to keep working with the healing power of amethyst for clarity of mind in the year ahead. The 8 of Swords (Eight of Bats) corresponds with Jupiter in Gemini and means that I could easily find myself in analysis paralysis unless I keep my mind clear and focused.
I’m not going to share the rest of my reading here but it looks like a pretty busy and interesting next 12 months!
Hope you have fun trying this and many blessings for Halloween (and Beltane down under)!
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Cool beans, Lisa. I think that I will make a gem essence of whatever mine turns out to be and take it regularly through the year. Thanks so much for all you do.
You’re welcome! Samhain Blessings )O(