The veil is almost non-existent this time of the year and the Otherworld is making itself known. So it is only natural that we are coming up to the main …
Disablot at Halloween
What is a dis and what is a disablot in the Norse tradition? How was the disablot celebrated? Can we celebrate the disablot at Halloween?
The Ancestral Collective Tarot Spread
The Ancestral Collective Tarot Spread helps you open the channels of communication with a group of ancestors rather than an individual.
An All Hallows’ Eve Tarot Spread and Reading
An All Hallows’ Eve Tarot spread for quiet reflection and contemplation about your progress so far in 2020.
Samhain Power Crystal Tarot Reading
Use the power crystal Tarot technique to find the best crystal for you to work with over the next 12 months. Do your Samhain year ahead reading around it.
A Third Harvest Halloween Tarot Spread
It’s Samhain so I thought I’d show you how to use the 12 Houses Zodiac Tarot Spread for a year ahead reading with a Third Harvest twist.
Heal Your Bloodline this Halloween
It’s Samhain/Halloween and the veil between worlds is at its thinnest! How about some magick to heal your bloodline?