The Tarot of Curious Creatures Review, Interview & Video Flip-through

The Tarot of Curious Creatures Review, Interview & Video Flip-through

The Tarot of Curious Creatures Review

When I decided to take part in my first Tarot challenge for a while on Instagram, I decided to treat myself to a new deck. I wanted a fun deck for a fun challenge. (Check out #actober2021 if you are looking for some inspiration!) Then the Tarot of Curious Creatures showed up somewhere in my social media feed and I knew that would be the one! I already have and love The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne so I know I love both her art and her Tarot interpretations. The theme of this deck, anthropomorphic animals, is quite a leap from her previous decks but it totally works. And I’m not usually a fan of dressed-up animals!

Tarot of Curious Creatures Deck Features

This is a 79-card deck. I love that this card has an extra Fool Tarot card, the Fool 2.0! This card makes us look at any repeating cycles in our lives and can show up to indicate a sense of deja vu. If you’re not a fan of extras, you can always take this card out but I will definitely be leaving mine in.

The deck is standard size compared to a regular Waite-Smith Tarot deck and the card stock is matte. I love how the deck shuffles but feel that the card quality has been let down by a few rough edges and the King of Pentacles even has a little tear (noticeable only from the back) from where the board has been cut roughly/unevenly. If that happens to you, you are totally within your rights to ask for a replacement.

Unlike in the Muse Tarot, the suits retain their original names: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. The Majors have Arabic rather than Roman numerals.

One of the most amazing things about this deck is the layers of meaning. You can use the Tarot of Curious Creatures just for lighthearted fun but you will find it works just as well for readings that go really deep. If you use this deck as your daily journaling prompt, I highly recommend doing a bit of research about the animal medicine in your card of the day.

Tarot of Curious Creatures Video Flip-through

The Tarot of Curious Creatures Deck Interview

Describe yourself in three words or less. 4 of Cups

TCC: Relief from boredom

2. How would your best friend describe you in three words or less? Judgement

TCC: Catalyst, authentic, awake

3. What gift do you bring? XIII Death

TCC: Total transformation. Shape-shifting. Who do you want to be? What spirit animal do you want to call on to help make the shift?

4. What do you expect in return? 8 of Cups

TCC: I expect you to have the courage to walk away from the past and anything that no longer serves your soul’s growth.

5. How can you help me serve? 2 of Swords

TCC: When you feel indecisive, I can help you align your mind with your heart because I speak more to your feelings than to your intellect. I provide a new perspective that helps you think outside the box.

6. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about yourself? Knight of Wands

TCC: I’m always ready for the next adventure. I promise you’ll never be bored in my company!

Me: That sounds awesome – Thank you for being here with me and offering your assistance!

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