Make the Most of the Sagittarius New Moon

Sagittarius Optimism New Moon

The Saggie New Moon is the best time to invite more optimism and joy into our lives. Of course, it helps that it happens during the festive season… but the real reason is that Sagittarius, the Visionary, is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, goodwill and optimism.

β€œA pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
― Winston S. Churchill

How to open up to Sagittarius New Moon optimism

Share your wisdom. Wisdom and higher learning are associated with Sagittarius and so is publishing. Never has there been a better time to self-publish and share some of your own hard-earned wisdom with others. Isn’t this the best, most constructive use of social media? When you share what you learned with your friends, you will instantly begin to feel more optimistic about even life’s most difficult lessons, which – let’s face it – none of us can avoid… BUT we can inspire each other to make it through to the other side!

Work with Archangel Sachiel. Sachiel is the Archangel who rules Jupiter. You can invoke his assistance any time you feel your vision of the future is limited or you lack clarity in general. He can also help you feel more optimistic about your prospects and ensure that you don’t miss out on any opportunities coming your way.


Sachiel rules Thursdays, so Thursday night before the New Moon might be a good time to celebrate if you wish to form a strong bond with him for the remainder of the next lunar cycle. Invoke Archangel Sachiel by lighting an indigo or purple candle and writing a prayer in purple ink on white paper. Use your own words. Allow the candle to safely burn down overnight.

The Wheel of Fortune

The corresponding Major Arcana card is The Wheel of Fortune. You may wish to ask Archangel Sachiel to bless this card and carry it with you – especially if your focus is on making the most of exciting new opportunities.

Plan your next holiday. Make it as far-flung as possible and look into possibilities of combining your jollies with some ancient culture.

Open your hips. The hip flexors are ruled by Sagittarius and are often too tight in most Westerners because we spend so much time sitting in chairs and on sofas. A wonderful hip opening move in Yoga is pigeon pose. Opening the hips has a wonderful effect on our mojo and zest for life… Don’t be surprised if you feel like a night out dancing after you’ve tried this! πŸ™‚

Learn something new. It literally could be anything that expands your horizons and opens up your mind. Anything new you learn will open the mind to unexpected new insights as the neurons are rewired. Young children are naturally optimistic because they are constantly learning new things that inspire them and make them feel excited about life…

β€œThe more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
― Dr. Seuss

Pencil it in. Many of us are pretty good at planning our week – at least when it comes to work and duties… but what about planning something fun?! Starting this New Moon, start your own Positivity Project. Pencil something in that will give you a good laugh at least three times a week. It could be something simple like getting together with a mate to watch a comedy… Or, for those who like a good night out, visit your nearest comedy club. Laughter yoga anyone?

Be Totally OTT

This is the month to bring out the sequins and that larger-than-life personality. Sagittarius ain’t no wallflower. Neither do they copy anybody else. So bring out your unique style and swagger this lunar cycle and experiment with bolder colours, new ways of doing your hair, higher heels… just more of whatever accentuates your best assets. If you’ve got it, flaunt it! I’d like to think of it as being generous and a good fit for the season of giving.

BONUS TIP: Try the Archer New Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread!

I’d love to read your thoughts and comments on how to bring more optimism into our lives, so please take a moment to share in the comments below…


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