adam and eve the lovers in the biblical tarot

Biblical Tarot Lovers Adam and Eve (with Tarot Spread)

Perhaps you did not know this, but the traditional Rider Waite Tarot image of The Lovers depicts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They are standing between the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life. Above them hovers the Archangel Raphael, the angelic ruler of Mercury. Mercury rules Gemini, the curious and adaptable Zodiac sign signifying The Lovers. Today, we are taking a closer look at the Biblical Tarot Lovers as our inspiration for a metaphysical exploration into the deeper layers of meaning of this Arcanum.

Jump to the Adam and Eve Redeemed Tarot Spread

I suspect one could spend a lifetime meditating on the mystery of the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis and not get very far. Hence, please take today’s attempt to make metaphysical sense of the story of the choice of these lovers that led to the fall of humanity with a pinch of salt. The best I can hope for is to sow some seeds for your own future contemplation.

However, what I can do with a certain amount of certainty is relieve you of the burden of a literal interpretation since there are two highly contradictory narratives about Adam and Eve in Genesis 1 and 2 respectively. This, of course (and thankfully!), makes a literal interpretation impossible. Besides, there are more problems with a literal interpretation than there are hours in the day. You can check this YouTube video out for a nice breakdown of some of the most significant issues with a fundamentalist take on Genesis.

The Metaphysical Meaning of Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve represent the first movement of mind in contact with life and love/feeling in consciousness according to Many who instead favour a literal interpretation see Eve as the bringer of sin and temptation. This has been perpetuated throughout religious history in ways that have been extremely harmful to countless generations of women.

The story of Adam and Eve is an allegory for fundamental human experiences such as love, temptation, choice, consequence, suffering, and the search for redemption. But ultimately, and religious folk often miss this point, it is a story about love. Only love makes the choice to redeem rather than exact revenge and justice. Only love restores unity and harmony.

The Metaphysical Meaning of the Snake in the Garden of Eden

The snake is pictured both in the original Rider Waite imagery and in the Biblical Tarot. It is the snake that challenges what God told Eve. Not long ago, I felt guided to ask Yeshua who/what the snake represents in a reading I did with the Gnostic Tarot deck. You can find out what I learned HERE.

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”
The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
~Genesis 3:1-5

FYI, the snake didn’t lie!

One metaphysical meaning of the serpent/snake in the Bible is sense consciousness or desire. When the snake is lifted up, matter and desire are elevated, spiritualised and realigned for their true purpose. We see Yeshua acknowledge this with his statement to Nicodemus in the Gospel of John:

“Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,”

The Metaphysical Meaning of the Fall

  1. Free Will and Disobedience:
    • The act of eating the forbidden fruit represents the exercise of free will and the choice to disobey divine command. This act leads to the loss of innocence and the beginning of self-awareness and moral discernment.
  2. Separation from the Divine:
    • The expulsion from the Garden of Eden symbolises humanity’s separation from a state of pure unity with the divine. This separation introduces duality, the knowledge of opposites, and the experience of suffering and mortality.
  3. Knowledge and Responsibility:
    • The fall brings the burden of moral responsibility and the awareness of good and evil, marking a necessary step in the evolution of human consciousness. According to some rabbinic teachings, the whole point of the fall is to awaken humanity to its responsibility for repairing the lowest worlds of creation. This duty is known as Tikkun Olam.

The Metaphysical Meaning of Redemption

From a metaphysical and esoteric point of view, there is no need for a blood sacrifice to redeem fallen humanity. Redemption becomes an inside job. It is up to each of us to make the Tikkun Olam self-repair first and then help the rest of creation. By learning how to repair our own psyche and transcend duality consciousness to once again unite with the One, we take part in the same work as Yeshua the Christ. This is his true teaching and the teaching that Mary Magdalene also transmitted in her Gospel.

So why is this story about choice, temptation, fall and redemption condensed into the image and archetype of The Lovers? The reason could simply be that self-emptying love of the kind we get to practice in our most intimate relationship is the most direct route to redemption. Why and how? Because we are constantly faced with the choice to put the interest of our beloved on par with our own. By choosing the most loving solution, we grow closer to the One with every blessed step we take in a love relationship. This is clearly what Yeshua and Mary Magdalene exemplify in the Gospel of Philip, for instance.

From a metaphysical point of view, Eve (Hebr. Mother of Life) represents the life-giving aspects of humanity and the potential for regeneration. Despite the fall, there remains the potential for renewal and redemption. Christ (Higher Self), the ‘second Adam,’ makes redemption possible through obedience. Yeshua the Christ showed us what obedience looks like. His companion, Mary Magdalene showed us the potential for continuous renewal through her transmission of Christ’s teachings about how to overcome the powers of the ego.

Adam and Eve Redeemed Tarot Spread

This six-card Tarot spread can help you transcend egoic desires and choose love. Each card reveals a step on the path towards unifying love and inner transformation.

Adam and Eve Redeemed Tarot Spread

1. The Ego’s Temptation

Question: What ego-driven desires do I need to recognise and overcome?

2. The Lesson of Free Will

Question: How can I exercise my free will to make choices that are in harmony with divine intention?

3. The Duality to Harmonise

Question: What inner conflict or duality must I harmonise to bring unity to my consciousness?

4. The Call to Redemption

Question: Where in my life am I being called to practice self-repair and engage in acts of redemption?

5. Kenosis

Question: How can I embody and practice kenotic (self-emptying, unconditional, unifying, and Christ-like) love in my interactions with others?

6. The Path to Renewal

Question: What potential for renewal and transformation is available to me as I transcend my ego and embrace divine love and how will it help me serve God?

Using this spread, reflect deeply on each card and the insights it offers. May your journey towards transcendence and unconditional love bring you closer to unity and the Divine.

Adam and Eve Redeemed Sample Tarot Reading

1. The Ego’s Temptation – 2 of Pentacles

The 2 of Pentacles (Two of Grains) suggests that your ego’s temptation lies in the constant juggling of responsibilities and the need to maintain balance. The card indicates a tendency to get caught up in the material and practical aspects of life, perhaps neglecting more spiritual or emotional needs. You could be staying busy to avoid connecting with Spirit at deeper levels. Recognising this can help you refocus on what truly matters.

2. The Lesson of Free Will – 7 of Wands

The 7 of Wands (Seven of Candles) emphasises the importance of standing your ground and fighting for what you believe is right. This card teaches that exercising free will often means confronting challenges and opposition. It is easier to conform and not stand out. By remaining true to your convictions in the face of adversity, you can make choices that align with divine intention.

3. The Duality to Harmonise – Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles (Queen of Grains) highlights the duality between practicality and nurturing. To harmonise this duality, you need to strike a balance between managing your material resources and caring for the well-being of others. By integrating these two aspects, you can bring greater stability to your environment.

4. The Call to Redemption – Strength

The Strength card calls you to practice self-repair and engage in acts of redemption through gentleness and inner fortitude. This card suggests that true strength comes from within and that by mastering yourself, you can positively influence the world around you. How can you be kinder to yourself today?

5. Kenosis – The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man just happens to be a perfect match for the concept of kenosis, or self-emptying love. This card encourages you to adopt a new perspective, letting go of egoic desires and embracing unconditional love fully. By practicing self-sacrifice and surrender, you can embody Christ-like love in your interactions with others.

6. The Path to Renewal – 8 of Pentacles

The 8 of Pentacles (Eight of Grains) shows that the path to renewal and transformation lies in diligent effort and mastery of your craft. This card invites you to focus on self-improvement and dedicated practice as ways to transcend your ego and embrace divine love. Through continuous learning and refinement, you can serve God and contribute to the greater good.

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