Mannaz Elder Futhark Rune Holistic Rune Meanings and Hyperborean Water Magic

Mannaz Elder Futhark Rune Meanings

Mannaz Elder Futhark Rune Holistic Rune Meanings and Hyperborean Water Magic

Mannaz – Rune of Embodied Consciousness

What makes us divine is the spark of divine consciousness within our bodies… and without the body, we would not at all be human. This is the rune of humanity, people and the human condition. It shows the paradox of the limitations we experience in physical reality and the limitlessness of our consciousness.

Our consciousness lives on after we die but it is only if it decides to take form again that we get to experience the exhilarating lessons that come with the human territory once more. Manifesting is a skill we must learn how to master in this realm. It means acting on wisdom and guidance. It means taking risks and learning through our mistakes.

But it also means reaping the rewards of overcoming extreme trials and tribulations. We keep coming back to Earth school so that we can keep growing our souls. Without form, the soul would not take on the unique expression of divine consciousness that makes you you. It would still be undifferentiated from the Great Spirit.

Once our divine consciousness becomes fully embodied, free from the shackles of guilt and shame, i.e. once we have embodied our Christ Consciousness, we understand that we are all connected – not just as humans – but all souls on all levels of existence, as well as spirit beings that are either friends or foes. New worlds open to us then, while we are still here with both feet planted on Terra Firma.

Stripped back meaning based on the etymology and shape

Mannaz means man/mankind and in modern Swedish the word is människa.

The shape of the word is essentially the Dagaz rune on legs. Dagaz is the rune of awakening and divine consciousness. The true form of the Dagaz rune is the infinity symbol (aka the lemniscate) but since there was no way of carving curved runes, it looks more like an hour-glass on its side

The shape of the infinity symbol can be thought of as the two hemispheres of the brain, with the point in the middle representing the third eye. It is a reminder that our mind has limitless potential… and it is up to us to unlock that potential. Essentially, the task of unlocking this potential is why we find ourselves back in Earth School.

What most people don’t realise though is that the shape of this rune is also a temple and that the key to unlocking the potential is hidden in the temple… Guess where! Did I hear you say ‘In the heart’…? Don’t doubt it for a second!


  • Polarity: Gender Neutral
  • Herbal correspondence: Meadow Sage
  • Tarot card correspondences: The Fool
  • Colours: Gold, silver
  • Archangel correspondences: Archangel Michael, Holy Sophia
  • Chakra correspondences: Third Eye
  • Health: Vitality levels

Divinatory Meanings

General: man, humanity, people, the masses, the human condition, intelligence, the Self, generosity, curiosity – Reversed: selfishness, inhuman conditions, patriarchy, losing one’s sense of purpose

Love & relationships: a strong connection, intellectual rapport – Reversed: lack of rapport, lack of empathy

Health/wellbeing: good vitality levels, grounded, agile, enjoyment of the human condition – Reversed: low vitality, not in the body, rigid, depression

Business: service industry, HR department, being on track with one’s life purpose – Reversed: inhumane working conditions, robotics, union opposition

Holistic Healing Tips for Mannaz

Chant MANN-ahwz to ground your energy fully into the body.

Use in spells to connect a sense of unity and harmony in groups of people, or to help with networking.

Wear it around your neck to stay grounded and as an antidote if you tend to go into spiritual bypass mode. This rune reminds you that you chose Gaia as much as she chose to give birth to you.

Use for life purpose spells together with Kenaz and Sowilo.


  • I enjoy my soul’s embodiment in this incarnation.
  • I make the most of having a human experience.
  • Eternity is a long time – I allow myself to relax into this incarnation.
  • I am an eternal soul having a human experience.
  • I am here to transcend all limitations and blocks to love.
  • I respect all fellow humans and bow to their divine origin which is the same as mine.
  • I am a force for healing and unity among my brothers and sisters.
  • I am on track for graduating with honours from Earth School this time.

Mannaz Prayer

Dear Mother-Father God, Thank you for the human experience I have enjoyed so far in this body. Help me to honour the body which makes it possible for me to be a blessing to all living beings. I ask for the wisdom to not miss a single opportunity to make this world a little bit better for someone else. Amen and so it is!

Mannaz and Hyperborean Water Magic

In the Age of Atlantis, our ancestors used water magic daily, often infusing water with the energy of the runes. Read about it HERE.

How to Charge the Water

  • Draw the rune over your glass or another glass vessel with the pointer and middle finger on your dominant hand.
  • Chant the name of the rune three times.
  • Visualise the rune glimmering in the colour of your choice as you chant (see colour correspondences above)
  • Visualise the light from the rune charging every molecule in the water until the light expands beyond the glass. When the light has formed an aura around the glass that you can either see or feel with your hands, it is ready to drink/use.

Mannaz Water Magic

Mannaz-charged water is perfect to drink before a reading about your life purpose in this incarnation, as well as before doing a past-life reading. While sipping on the water, visualise the many forms you have taken during your terms in Earth School.

You can use Mannaz-charged water to balance your masculine and feminine energy, visualising the rune in half gold, half silver as you draw it over the cup of water.

Charge water with Mannaz to experience more pleasure and enjoyment of your human experience. This is an excellent mini-ritual to perform as part of a self-love ritual.

Finally, this is also an excellent rune to charge water with to restore the vitality to the level of your original blueprint for this incarnation, clearing and blocks. Visualise energy that is not yours being flushed out.

Take me back to the Elder Futhark Rune Index!

Try the Mannaz Embodied Consciousness Tarot Spread HERE!


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