Nauthiz Rune Tarot Spread

Nauthiz Rune Tarot Spread

Nauthiz Rune Tarot Spread

Nauthiz follows Hagalaz. After the impact of the hail storm that is the Hagalaz rune, we sometimes feel as if our whole existence is in tatters. Much of what we thought we could depend on for support and comfort has gone. Sometimes nothing but the rubble remains.

Nauthiz means need and in my native Swedish tongue this word is ‘nöd.’ If we look at the Tarot, this rune resonates quite well with the 5 of Pentacles in the Minor Arcana and The World (Saturn) in the Major Arcana. Something has come to an (abrupt) end and we are poorer and/or weaker for it. In the eyes of the world, we could be talking about a ‘failure’ here but this is just another lesson. Hard as it may be to believe, this happened to help us see what we are not here for.

With the Nauthiz rune squeezed between the freezing hail of Hagalaz and Isa, the ice rune, we can ascertain that there is very little warmth here too. The need rune is, quite understandably, associated with ‘needfire.’ You created the needfire by rubbing two sticks together to stave off disease and hardship. It is this practice that lends the shape to the Nauthiz rune which is a larger stick with a smaller stick for rubbing, crossing it.

Lighting a needfire is a sign of faith in the Higher Powers. These powers (by whatever name you acknowledge them) are always there to assist us. We can call on them whenever we find ourselves in trouble. All we have to do is ask.

The Anglo-Saxon rune poem for Nauthiz is affirmative of the fact that troubled times often carry hidden blessings and that all is not lost, as long as we are willing to learn.

The Anglo-Saxon rune poem for Nauthiz:

Trouble is oppressive to the heart;
yet often it proves a source of help and salvation
to the children of men, to everyone who heeds it betimes.

Learn more about holistic rune meanings and correspondences for Nauthiz HERE.

Nauthiz Troubled Times Tarot Spread

The Nauthiz Troubled Times Tarot Spread

1. The events that brought me to this point
2. My own part in it all
3. The true nature of my troubles
4. What needs to change for things to improve
5. What grace I can call on from the Powers That Be
6. What action I need to take myself

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