Othala No Place Like Home Tarot Spread

Othala Rune Tarot Spread

Othala Rune Tarot Spread

The Othala rune is the rune of home and inheritance, as well as of fixed wealth (compared to Fehu‘s moveable wealth). In old times, the Swedish term odal was used to designate a property that could not be divided up for the sake of inheritance. It had to pass on intact to the first person in line to inherit. This person would be known as an ‘odalsman.’ 

In a holistic rune reading, other than designating a physical home or fixed wealth, Othala can take on the meaning that ‘home is where our heart is.’ It can also signify Heaven, which is rather fitting for the final rune in the row.

For the rune Tarot spread below, I want us to focus on both aspects of this rune. Let’s ask the Tarot about the mundane and the spiritual. There is no dichotomy here as per, ‘As above, so below.’ 

The Anglo-Saxon rune poem for Othala:

[An estate] is very dear to every man,
if he can enjoy there in his house
whatever is right and proper in constant prosperity.

Learn more about holistic rune meanings and correspondences for Othala HERE

No Place Like Home – Othala Rune Tarot Spread

Othala Rune Tarot Spread
  1. What to do less of to build my treasure in Heaven
  2. What to do more of to build my treasure in Heaven
  3. What to do less of to help planet Earth
  4. What to do more of to help planet Earth
  5. What to do less of to make my house more homely
  6. What to do more of to create a harmonious home environment

Othala No Place Like Home Tarot Spread – Sample Reading

Othala Rune Tarot Spread Sample Reading
Pamela Colman Smith RWS Tarot by Lo Scarabeo
  1. What to do less of to build my treasure in Heaven. The Wheel of Fortune: See myself less a pawn of destiny.
  2. What to do more of to build my treasure in Heaven. The Emperor: Become the boss of my destiny.
  3. What to do less of to help planet Earth5 of Wands. Stop buying into the illusion of competition, that old favourite of the separate self.
  4. What to do more of to help planet Earth. The Chariot: Pull together. Do everything in my power to help people find common ground. Be a motivating force for good.
  5. What to do less of to make my house more homely. 10 of Cups: Stop taking it for granted.
  6. What to do more of to create a harmonious home environment. 7 of Cups: Focus on creating an environment that nourishes the soul.  

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