bible, roses and wedding ring - song of songs love tarot spread

The Song of Songs Love Tarot Spread

bible, roses and wedding ring - song of songs love tarot spread

Just like the Song of Songs itself, the Song of Songs Love Tarot Spread can be read at two levels. You can read it either for a romantic relationship you are in, or you can read it as a metaphor for your soul’s mystical quest to merge with Spirit/God.

Jump to the Song of Songs Love Tarot Spread
Sample Reading for a Romantic Relationship
Sample Reading for the Spiritual Journey

The Song of Songs, also known as the Song of Solomon, is one of the books of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). It is traditionally attributed to King Solomon, who ruled Israel in the 10th century BCE. This poetic book is unique in its structure and content, as it comprises a series of lyrical poems celebrating love and desire between a young woman and her lover.

Origins and Authorship

In addition to the Song of Songs, King Solomon is credited with writing thousands of proverbs and songs (1 Kings 4:32). However, the exact authorship of the Song of Songs, along with date of composition, remain subjects of debate among biblical scholars. The text is characterised by its rich imagery and sensuous language, making it stand out from other biblical writings.

Levels of Interpretation

Throughout history, the Song of Songs has been interpreted on three primary levels:

  1. Literal Reading (Romantic Love)
    • At the most superficial level, the Song of Songs is a celebration of human love and desire. It presents a dialogue between two lovers, extolling the joys of physical attraction and mutual affection. This interpretation views the text as an ancient collection of love poetry.
  2. Allegorical Reading (God and Israel)
    • In Jewish tradition, the Song of Songs is often read as an allegory of the relationship between God and the people of Israel. The passionate love described in the poem symbolises the deep, covenantal bond between the divine and the chosen people. This interpretation highlights the spiritual intimacy and enduring faithfulness between God and Israel.
  3. Typological Reading (Christ and the Church)
    • In traditional Christianity, the Song of Songs is most commonly interpreted typologically, where the love between the bride and groom prefigures the relationship between Christ and the Church. This view sees Christ as the bridegroom and the Church as the bride, emphasising themes of divine love, redemption, and the ultimate union of believers with Christ.

Theological Significance

The Song of Songs is particularly significant in Christian theology for its depiction of Christ’s love for the Church. Early Church fathers, such as Origen and St. Bernard of Clairvaux, wrote extensive commentaries on the text, exploring its profound spiritual meanings. The Church as the bride of Christ is a recurring theme in Christian liturgy, art, and mysticism.

However, through the lens of Gnostic Christianity and texts such as the Gospel of Philip, we can give the Song of Songs a more intimate reading–It’s about the soul’s longing to merge with Spirit. The latter interpretation is how you would use the Tarot spread below for spiritual growth and development.

The Song of Song’s Love Tarot Spread

You can interpret this six-card tarot spread two levels: as a reflection on a romantic relationship or as a metaphor for the soul’s quest to merge with God/Spirit. Each card holds a potential dual meaning, offering insights that can be adapted to fit your specific situation.

song of songs love tarot spread

Card Positions and Interpretations

1. The Beloved’s Heart

  • Romantic Interpretation: Represents the feelings and emotional state of your partner in the relationship.
  • Spiritual Interpretation: Symbolises the qualities of your soul and its current state of union with the Divine.

2. The Seeker’s Heart

  • Romantic Interpretation: Reveals your feelings, desires, and emotional state within the relationship.
  • Spiritual Interpretation: Reflects your soul’s longing and dedication to merging with Spirit.

3. The Connection

  • Romantic Interpretation: Explores the nature and depth of the bond between you and your partner.
  • Spiritual Interpretation: Illustrates the connection between your soul and the Divine, highlighting spiritual practices or insights that strengthen this bond.

4. Challenges to Love

  • Romantic Interpretation: Identifies obstacles or issues that are currently hindering the progress of your relationship.
  • Spiritual Interpretation: Points out inner conflicts, distractions, or barriers on your path to spiritual oneness.

5. Nurturing Love

  • Romantic Interpretation: Suggests actions, attitudes, or behaviors that can strengthen and nourish your romantic relationship.
  • Spiritual Interpretation: Offers guidance on spiritual practices or mindsets that can help you deepen your connection with Spirit.

6. Future of the Union

  • Romantic Interpretation: Predicts potential future developments in your romantic relationship over the next 6-8 weeks. Feel free to pull additional cards to elucidate.
  • Spiritual Interpretation: Foresees a blessing on your spiritual journey over the next 6-8 weeks.

How to Use This Spread

  1. Shuffle your tarot deck while focusing on your question or intention. Say a prayer if you like.
  2. Lay out the cards in the pattern shown above.
  3. Interpret each card using the dual meanings provided, depending on whether you are seeking insights into your romantic relationship or your spiritual journey.

Remember, the Song of Songs Love Tarot Spread is a versatile tool for introspection, capable of offering profound insights whether you seek to understand your romantic dynamics or the depths of your spiritual path.

Sample Song of Songs Romantic Reading

song of songs love relationship tarot reading
Goddess of Love Tarot

1. The Beloved’s Heart – The Hermit

The Hermit represents your partner’s introspective and solitary state. They may be spending time reflecting on the relationship and seeking inner guidance. This card suggests that your partner is deeply contemplating their feelings and the dynamics of your love, possibly requiring some space for self-discovery.

2. The Seeker’s Heart – King of Swords

As the King of Swords, you embody authority, intellect, and strategic thinking in the relationship. This card indicates that you are engaging with the relationship through a lens of logic and reason. You value clear communication and are likely seeking rational solutions and deeper insight in your romantic connection.

3. The Connection – 2 of Wands

The 2 of Wands symbolises a partnership filled with potential and anticipation for the future. It reflects excitement about joint ventures and shared dreams. This card suggests that your relationship is at a pivotal point where both partners are planning and envisioning future possibilities together. However, this card can also indicate conflicting wills.

4. Challenges to Love – Temperance

Temperance highlights the need for balance and harmony in the relationship. It points to potential challenges in finding moderation and patience with one another. This card suggests that achieving equilibrium and mutual understanding may be difficult, requiring effort and compromise from both partners.

5. Nurturing Love – 6 of Swords

The 6 of Swords advises movement towards tranquility and healing. This card suggests that nurturing your love involves leaving behind past troubles and focusing on smoother waters ahead. It encourages both partners to seek resolution and embrace a more peaceful phase in the relationship.

6. Future of the Union – 3 of Swords

The 3 of Swords is often associated with heartache and sorrow. In the context of a future reading, it may suggest that the relationship could face difficult emotional challenges and potential separation. However, it also represents an opportunity for healing and growth after overcoming these trials. Pulling additional cards can offer further insights into navigating this period.

Sample Spiritual Journey Song of Songs Tarot Reading

song of songs spiritual journey tarot reading with the biblical tarot
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1. The Beloved’s Heart – 8 of Cups

The 8 of Cups reflects a stage of emotional introspection and the search for deeper meaning. In the spiritual context, it signifies the soul’s quest to leave behind superficial satisfactions and embark on a journey towards higher spiritual fulfillment. This card suggests that your soul is feeling the need to walk away from the familiar and seek a more profound connection with the Divine.

2. The Seeker’s Heart – 2 of Wands

The 2 of Wands represents planning and contemplating future directions. Spiritually, it indicates that you are at a crossroads, considering new paths for your spiritual growth and development. This card points to a period of exploration and readiness to expand your horizons, indicating a proactive approach to your spiritual journey.

3. The Connection – 6 of Pentacles

The 6 of Pentacles symbolises balance and generosity. In the realm of spiritual connection, it illustrates the give-and-take relationship between your soul and the Divine. This card highlights the importance of reciprocity in your spiritual practices, suggesting that both giving (acts of kindness, service) and receiving (divine guidance, blessings) are crucial to strengthening your spiritual bond.

4. Challenges to Love – The High Priestess

The High Priestess represents intuition, secrets, and the unconscious mind. As a challenge, this card indicates difficulties in accessing your inner wisdom and spiritual insights. It suggests that there may be hidden obstacles or subconscious fears that are hindering your progress on the spiritual path. Trusting your intuition and seeking inner knowledge are crucial to overcoming this barrier.

5. Nurturing Love – 5 of Wands

The 5 of Wands signifies conflict and struggle. In the context of nurturing your spiritual connection, it suggests that embracing challenges and facing inner conflicts head-on is essential for growth. This card encourages engaging with your spiritual struggles constructively, using them as opportunities for learning and development. It also advises finding harmony amidst chaos through disciplined spiritual practices.

6. Future of the Union – Death

Death represents transformation and new beginnings. Spiritually, this card signifies a profound change and the end of old patterns that no longer serve your soul’s growth. It foresees ego mortification and a powerful rebirth. Get ready to embrace a fresh start on your spiritual journey over the next 6-8 weeks. Flowing with this transformative energy will lead to significant spiritual renewal and a deeper union with the Divine.

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