The Angelic Harvest Mabon Tarot Spread

The Angelic Harvest Mabon Tarot Spread

angelic harvest mabon blessing

The 2023 Equinox is fast approaching and is taking place on 22-23 September, depending on where in the world you are. Today, we are looking at working with the Angelic Realm to take stock and give thanks for the harvest so far this year, and also to prepare for what lies ahead. We do so with a bit of help from the Tarot in the form of the Angelic Harvest Tarot Spread.

Please note that this is not a beginner-friendly spread so feel free to check out the simple Mabon Blessing Tarot Spread if you are not an experienced Tarot reader.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we celebrate the autumn equinox, also known as Mabon or second harvest (the first being Lammas/Lughnasadh and the third being Samhain). The autumn equinox is a feast of gratitude for the earth’s bounty and also a time for sharing this bounty with everyone in need. You can read about how to make the most of your Mabon celebration in this post.

The Angelic Harvest Mabon Tarot Spread

The Mabon Angelic Harvest Tarot Spread

Before you begin laying the cards out, you need to separate the deck into six piles that you shuffle and cut separately:

The Major Arcana (positions 1-3)
The four suits of the Minor Arcana (positions 4-7)
Court cards (positions 8-11)

Main Spiritual Themes and Lessons

1-3. The top three Major Arcana cards represent the main spiritual themes and lessons for the recent past (6-8 weeks), Mabon(ish) and the near future (leading up to Samhain).

Before laying out the next four cards, feel free to invoke the grace and guidance of the Archangelic guardians of the four Elements, Archangel Raphael (Air) while you shuffle the Swords, Archangel Michael (Fire) while you shuffle the Wands, Archangel Gabriel (Water) while you shuffle the Cups and Archangel Uriel (Earth) while you shuffle the Pentacles.

The Elemental Harvest

4. Raphael’s share – a card from the Minor Arcana suit of Swords, representing your harvest with regards to problem resolution in general.
5. Michael’s share – a card from the Minor Arcana suit of Wands, representing your harvest with regard to your career or passion projects.
6. Gabriel’s share – a card from the Minor Arcana Suit of Cups, representing your harvest with regard to intimate relationships/friendships.
7. Uriel’s share – a card from the Minor Arcana suit of Pentacles, representing your harvest with regard to health/finances.

How to Proceed

8 – 11. Finally, you lay out one court card each in positions 8-11 from among a well-shuffled pile of court cards. Each of these cards clarifies how to best move forward and process or share this harvest between now and Samhain.

Don’t forget to read each of the Minor Arcana combos in light of the Major Arcana spiritual lesson themes!

If you enjoyed this spread, you may also wish to give Torquaret Angel of Autumn Tarot Spread a whirl!

Mabon Blessings!

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  1. I’m new to Tarot and your blogs… I decided to give this spread a go last night and as always I can rely on Archangel Michael to remind me to be clear about what I desire, have direction and to go for it…Thank you and I look forward to doing more of your spreads.

    1. Author

      Hi Amanda, welcome to Angelorum! So pleased you found this Tarot spread useful for guidance from Archangel Michael! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. When I was dividing up my deck for this reading it became obvious I was missing 2 cards from the deck! :-O Anyway took out another and it was fun. My harvest has great potential. ๐Ÿ™‚ just need to take care of that 9 of swords with the knight of wands. Thanks for the spread!

      1. Archangel Tarot. Hay House sending replacements. Ten and Page of Raphael… Gotta have those!!!

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