31. Lecabel – 8 of Pentacles

31. Lecabel Lah-Kah-Beh

Shem Angel 31. Lecabel is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name sounds like Lah-Kah-Beh (or Lah-Hah-Veh). The name means ‘Inspiring God’ or ‘God, the Teacher.’ The corresponding Angelic Choir is Dominions/Dominations, under the rulership of Archangel Zadkiel aka Sachiel. He is the angel of precision who helps us pay attention to detail without becoming pernickety.

Lecabel rules the time between 10:00 AM and 10:20 AM and this is the best time of the day to invoke this angel. In the calendar, he primarily rules the dates 23-28 August, corresponding with the 8 of Pentacles, covering the first five days of the decan. Vasariah is the angel corresponding with the final five days of the first decan of Virgo. Secondary rulership covers 7 February, 21 April, 4-5 July until noon on the 5th, 17 September and 29 November.

We each have three Shem HaMephorash angels watching over each incarnation: The following explains the roles of your three Shem Guardian Angels: Primary rulership determines the physical and external material aspects of the person born within that date range. Secondary rulership determines the emotional characteristics and challenges a person may face. Finally, the time of day determines the person’s intellectual capability.

Use this calculator to find your three Birth Angels.

8 of Pentacles - 31. Lecabel

Lecabel and the 8 of Pentacles

Invoke Lecabel (Lah-Kah-Beh) and meditate on the 8 of Pentacles to help you complete a task you have begun. The energy of the 8 of Pentacles shows us how he helps us strive for excellence in our work. He can grant us success and recognition in our chosen careers. Those who seek to increase their knowledge (especially of numbers/maths) do well to call on Lecabel.

He helps us see/understand the macrocosm through the lens of the microcosm when we pay attention to details so that we can come up with new ideas and solve any problems we face. Lecabel helps us set achievable goals and come up with a plan so that we are able to see any projects through to completion. Practical solutions are his forte.

If you are born between 23-28 August, you most likely possess some of the gifts of Lecabel and embody a few of the qualities of the 8 of Pentacles.

Psalms to Invoke Lecabel

31. Lecabel Psalms for invoking

Weaknesses that Lecabel Can Transform

  • Insecurity
  • Opportunism
  • Rash decision-making
  • Misuse of resources
  • Lack of ideas
  • Attempting to force the hand of fate
  • Perfectionism

Use the Lah-Kah-Beh Mantra to…

Come up with solutions to problems, find ideas that will generate abundance, and help with focus when doing detailed work. Chant the mantra to remove the weaknesses listed above. Additionally, this mantra can be used to remove ill will or bitterness from any relationship.

love lisa signature


  1. I did my invocation at 10:15 am….

    Great article/blogpost to wake up to this morning.

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