32. Vasariah Vah-She-Reh

32. Vasariah – 8 of Pentacles

Vasariah and the 8 of Pentacles

Shem Angel 32. Vasariah is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name sounds like Vah-She-Reh (or Wah-Shee-Reh). The name means ‘Righteous God’ or ‘The Simple God.’ He is the patron of those working in the legal profession and can help anybody in need of justice. The corresponding Angelic Choir is Dominions/Dominations, under the rulership of Archangel Zadkiel aka Sachiel. He is the angel of clemency who helps us forgive everyone.

Vasariah rules the time between 10:21 AM and 10:40 AM and this is the best time of the day to invoke this angel. In the calendar, he primarily rules the dates 29 August-2 September (please note that dates may vary depending on the source/system used). Vasariah corresponds with the 8 of Pentacles (covering the final five days of the decan). Secondary rulership covers 8 February, 22 April, 5-6 July, 18 September and 30 November.

We each have three Shem HaMephorash angels watching over each incarnation. The following explains the roles of your three Shem Guardian Angels: Primary rulership determines the physical and external material aspects of the person born within that date range. Secondary rulership determines the emotional characteristics and challenges a person may face. Finally, the time of day determines the person’s intellectual capability.

CLICK HERE to find your three Birth Angels.

Vasariah and the 8 of Pentacles

There are two Shem Angels associated with the 8 of Pentacles: 31. Lecabel (Lah-Kah-Beh) and 32. Vasariah (Vah-She-Reh). We covered the correspondences for Lecabel in the previous Shem Angels post. Here the energy shifts from ensuring that we complete the task at hand to protecting our work from those who would seek to gain control over it. Meditating on Vah-She-Reh together with the 8 of Pentacles also helps us remember what we learn, as well as present our work to the world in a pleasing manner.

Vah-She-Reh also helps us with modesty and humility. And if we need to resolve any copyright issues or other legal issues concerning our work, this is an excellent angel to have by our side.

If you are born between 29-2 September, you most likely possess some of the gifts of Vasariah and embody a few of the qualities of the 8 of Pentacles. It is likely that you have great oratory skills.

Psalms to Invoke Vasariah

32. Vasariah Psalms for invocation

Weaknesses that Vasariah Can Transform

  • Vengefulness
  • A mind riddled with guilt and self-accusation
  • Grudges and chips on our shoulders
  • Bad manners
  • Poor problem-solving skills
  • Neglect of physical health and well-being
  • Resistance to a growth mindset/consciousness evolution

Use the Vah-She-Reh Mantra to…

To improve your memory or to remove any of the weaknesses mentioned above. This mantra can also be used to help you connect to the cosmic memory bank or universal consciousness. Deep life lessons can be learned with greater ease with the help of Vasariah.

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