33 Yehuiah 9 of Pentacles

33. Yehuiah – 9 of Pentacles

33 Yehuiah 9 of Pentacles

Shem Angel 33 Yehuiah is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name sounds like Yoh-HEH-Wah. The name means ‘All-knowing God.’ The corresponding Angelic Choir is Powers, under the rulership of Archangel Camael aka Chamuel. Yehuiah is the angel of obedience, bringing stability in times of uncertainty.

Yehuiah rules the time between 10:40 AM and 11 AM and this is the best time of the day to invoke this angel. In the calendar, he primarily rules the dates 3-7 September, corresponding with the 9 of Pentacles, covering the first five days of the decan. Lehahiah is the angel corresponding with the final five days of the second decan of Virgo. Secondary rulership covers 9 February, 23 April, 7 July, 19 September and 1 December

We each have three Shem HaMephorash angels watching over each incarnation: The following explains the roles of your three Shem Guardian Angels: Primary rulership determines the physical and external material aspects of the person born within that date range. Secondary rulership determines the emotional characteristics and challenges a person may face. Finally, the time of day determines the person’s intellectual capability.

Use this calculator to find your three Shem Guardian Angels.

Yehuiah and the 9 of Pentacles

Invoke Yehuiah (Yoh-HEH-Wah) and meditate on the 9 of Pentacles to help stay organised and tranquil under pressure. It can be especially helpful to invoke this angel if the stress we are experiencing is due to insubordination, whether that stems from our own authority issues or problems with those working for us. Yoh-HEH-Wah can also be invoked to help us create a haven of serenity in our home where we can withdraw and recharge. Looking at the 9 of Pentacles, you can see that the lady in the card has arranged her home life and surroundings perfectly.

Yoh-HEH-Wah can also be invoked for gaining the trust of your employer, creating a tranquil work environment, and gaining recognition for diligent/excellent work. If you find yourself getting obsessive about any aspect of your work, Yoh-HEH-Wah can help you let go. Finally, if there is any backstabbing or conspiracy going on, Yoh-HEH-Wah can help expose those plotting against you.

If you are born between 3-7 September, you are under the protection of Yehuiah and probably possess a few of the qualities of the 9 of Pentacles. However, anybody who needs the gifts of this angel can call on him.

Psalms to Invoke Yehuiah

Yehuiah Psalms for Invocation

Weaknesses that Yehuiah Can Transform

  • Insubordination
  • Laziness
  • Lone-wolf traits that prevent teamwork
  • Tendencies to be controlling and obsessive
  • Shirking leadership positions
  • Lack of understanding of our place in the greater scheme of things
  • Aggression/Rebelliousness

Use the Yoh-HEH-Wah Mantra to…

…cope with stressful situations and assume responsibility. Chant the mantra to remove the weaknesses listed above. Additionally, this mantra can be used to clear any tendencies to be disloyal or domineering. When we become the Angelic Humans God intended us to be, in the likeness of Yehuiah, we know that when we meet with resistance in life, it is happening for us, to make us stronger.


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