
34. Lehahiah – 9 of Pentacles

lehahiah Lah-Heh-HEH

Shem Angel 34 Lehahiah is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name sounds like Lah-Heh-HEH (or Lah-Heh-Cheh). The name means ‘Forgiving God’ or ‘Gracious God.’ The corresponding Angelic Choir is Powers, under the rulership of Archangel Camael aka Chamuel. Lehahiah is the angel of discipline and right action, helping us to keep the peace with everyone around us.

Lehahiah rules the time between 11 AM and 11:20 AM and this is the best time of the day to invoke this angel. But like all angels, you can invoke him anytime you need his assistance or specific guidance. In the calendar, he primarily rules the dates 8-12 September, corresponding with the 9 of Pentacles, covering the final five days of the decan (10 days). Secondary rulership covers 10 February, 24 April, 8 July, 20-21 September (until noon) and 2 December.

We each have three Shem HaMephorash angels watching over each incarnation: The following explains the roles of your three Shem Guardian Angels: Primary rulership determines the physical and external material aspects of the person born within that date range. Secondary rulership determines the emotional characteristics and challenges a person may face. Finally, the time of day determines the person’s intellectual capability.

Go HERE to find your three Birth Angels.

Lehahiah and the 9 of Pentacles

There are two Shem Angels associated with the 9 of Pentacles: 33 Yehuiah (Yoh-HEH-Wah) and 34 Lehahiah (Lah-Heh-HEH).

There are a lot of similarities between Yoh-HEH-Wah (Yehuiah) and Lah-Heh-HEH (Lehahiah). They both help us be more loyal and obedient. This, in turn, helps us have better relationships with our employers. Additionally, we can invoke Lehahiah to calm rage and for protection against unjust laws. Lehahiah brings ‘luck’ to those under his rulership. But is it luck or is it just the ability to perform one’s duties with discipline and to a high standard? Methinks it’s more of the latter. Both of these angels who love a peaceful and calm environment are a good fit with the 9 of Pentacles.

If you are born between 8-12 September, Lehuiah is one of your Guardian Angels. Your character will be blessed by his influence. You may also possess a few of the qualities of the 9 of Pentacles, your birthday decan Minor Arcana card.

Psalms to Invoke Lehahiah

Psalms to Invoke Lehahiah

Weaknesses that Lehahiah Can Transform

  • Disloyalty
  • Lack of discipline
  • Anger issues
  • Lack of stamina
  • Argumentative
  • Impulsivity
  • Feeling rejected

Use the Lah-Heh-HEH Mantra to…

…bring peace and understanding to any conflict or argument. Chant the mantra to remove the weaknesses listed above. Additionally, this mantra can be used to protect us from tyrannical leaders and brutality. When we become the Angelic Humans God intended us to be, in the likeness of Lehahiah, we accept our fate with grace.

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