37 Aniel Ah-Nu-Yoh

37. Aniel – 2 of Swords

37 Aniel - 2 of Swords - Shem Angels and Tarot Correspondences

Shem Angel 37 Aniel is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name sounds like Ah-Nu-Yoh. The name means ‘God of Virtue’ The corresponding Angelic Choir is Powers, under the rulership of Archangel Camael aka Chamuel. Aniel is the Angel of Change who helps us better understand the Law of Karma and the process of evolution. The crystal to invoke this Angel is pink tourmaline.

Aniel rules the time between 12:00 and 12:20, and this is the best time of the day to invoke him. In the calendar, he primarily rules the dates 22-28 September, corresponding with the 2 of Swords covering the first five days of this first decan of Libra. Haamiah is the angel corresponding with the final five days of this decan. Secondary rulership for Aniel covers 13 February, 27 April, 11 July, 24 September, and 5 December.

CLICK HERE to find your three Shem Guardian Angels.

Aniel and the 2 of Swords

The 2 of Swords can be a sign that we are mentally stuck, unable to make up our minds and move forward. On some level, we are resisting change. Aniel can help us overcome this resistance. He can also liberate us from negative, repetitive thought patterns that may be keeping us stuck. If we need new ideas, he is the perfect angel to call on. Meditating with the 2 of Swords and pink tourmaline, while chanting Ah-Nu-Yoh can help with heart-mind alignment.

Aniel can also help clear any dependent or co-dependent tendencies so that we can become more independent. Sometimes, we resist moving forward due to attachment to the opinions of others and he can help clear such attachments.

Those who are stuck in the mud due to fierce traditionalism need not bother calling on this Angel. He has no affinity for such tendencies. Aniel will also not work with anyone displaying the traits of a trickster or charlatan. However, those who are sincerely seeking to move forward and let go of attachment and negativity for the Highest Good will always find succour when invoking Aniel.

Psalms to Invoke Aniel

Psalms to invoke Aniel

Weaknesses that Aniel Can Transform

  • Entitlement, selfishness
  • Family discord
  • Bigotry
  • Social disorder
  • Negative family patterns
  • Hereditary illness
  • Jealousy

Use the Ah-Nu-Yoh Mantra to…

…for help with getting unstuck, coming up with new ideas and better understanding Universal Laws. Ah-Nu-Yoh can also be invoked for increased self-expression, popularity, recognition of any form of creative work or to help master new science/innovations. In love relationships, call on Aniel to help remove any co-dependent tendencies. Finally, call on Aniel and chant Ah-Nu-Yoh to remove any of the weaknesses listed above. When we become the Angelic Humans God intended us to be, we flow gracefully with evolutionary changes.

love lisa signature


  1. That calculator is very helpful. I can relate to so many of the traits my Shem Guardians deter/support . Bad ones and good ones. The page for the intellectual guardian won’t load. Probably need to subscribe . But the other two . Wow. I’ve been trying to figure out the names of my guardian angels for years. I have been calling one Daniel and come to find out today Daniel is my emotional guardian.

    Interesting fact regarding today. My foot slipped in a puddle ( heavy rains today) and I almost fell on my back. I knew immediately my angels stopped me from falling.

    Have you noticed the energy today? This morning at 5 am I watched a Lightning storm move from across the river right over my head. It was exhilarating and spooky at the same time. Then I came inside and experienced a bout with vertigo . ( I’ve only gotten it once before 2 years ago on Mabon ironically ).

    Anyway, that’s my equinox story. Days like these are valid proof there’s more than the third dimensional world we reside in.
    Happy Mabon Lisa!

    1. Author

      Equinox blessings, Tara! It was really dark and raining here too yesterday but as I let the dogs out in the garden this morning, I noticed the skies had cleared up and the stars were shining brightly. I’m glad your angels stopped you from falling over. Mine made me slip earlier this year. I think I may have told that story on the blog. That was the equivalent of them hitting me over the head with a two-by-four. Apparently, I needed it.

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