
38. Haamiah – 2 of Swords

Haamiah Che-AH-Meh

Shem Angel 38 Haamiah is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name means ‘God the hope of all which ends on earth. The name sounds like Che-AH-Meh. The corresponding Angelic Choir is Powers, under the rulership of Archangel Camael or Samael. The Planetary correspondences are Mars and Venus. Haamiah is the Angel of Ritual. She helps us enjoy daily routines, especially relating to mealtime preparation. Haamiah helps us see the value of routines and rituals in making the world a better place. The corresponding crystal is Peridot.

Haamiah rules the time between 12:20 PM and 12:40 PM, and this is the best time of the day to invoke her. However, you may invoke her whenever you need her assistance. In the calendar, Haamiah primarily rules the dates 29 September – 3 October, corresponding with the 2 of Swords, covering the final five days of this first decan (10 days) of Libra. Secondary rulership covers 14 February, 28 April, 12 July, 25 September and 6 December.

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Haamiah and the 2 of Swords

The two Shem Angels associated with the 2 of Swords are 37 Aniel (Ah-Nu-Yoh) and 38 Haamiah (Che-AH-Meh).

With the title of the 2 of Swords (Moon in Libra) being Peace, Haamiah very much reflects this as an angel who protects us from all forms of violence, both inner and other. With Aniel, the connection with the 2 of Swords is more about accepting change so that we can move on from a state of being in limbo. Haamiah, on the other hand, helps us appreciate our daily routine. There is peace in knowing what works/is helpful and sticking to it.

Truth, fairness, harmony and justice (Libra concepts) are all extremely important concepts to this angel who will not tolerate any fraudulent activities. Haamiah helps us understand the importance of passing on what we receive and learn so that we place ourselves in the circle of life. She can help us become more polite, as well as wiser and better able to make good choices concerning our physical health, diet and exercise.

Haahmia is the physical Guardian Angel for those born from 29 September – 3 of October. Your religious and spiritual life may be very important to you. Haamiah can help you understand deep spiritual concepts as well as see the red threads of wisdom running through all religions, making you more tolerant. She blesses those under her guardianship with success in both material and spiritual matters. You are also likely to find your perfect match in marriage under her guardianship.

Psalm to Invoke Haamiah

Haamiah Psalm 91:9

Weaknesses that Haamiah Can Transform

  • Impoliteness/unkindness
  • Not sticking to the rules
  • Not enjoying meal prep
  • Bad manners
  • Being disorganised
  • Unfulfilling spiritual life
  • Lack of understanding of the importance of rituals

Use the Che-AH-Meh Mantra to…

…find succour if you feel under attack from incarnate and discarnate beings. She can also help elevate your sex life to one of divine union with your partner. Chant Che-AH-Meh to remove the weaknesses listed above. This mantra can also be used to help us become wiser in general. We realise that our spirituality must be grounded in our daily lives. When we become the Angelic Humans God intended us to be, we understand the importance of rituals, daily routine and adhering to Spiritual Law concerning giving/receiving. Haamiah brings us peace and harmony through this understanding.

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