Archangel Cassiel, the ruler of Saturn, a.k.a the Angel of Solitude and Tears. Today, we get to know him and gain insights through the Tarot.
Archangel Cassiel with Tarot Spread
Learn how to invoke the assistance of Archangel Cassiel, ruler of Saturn and Saturdays. Includes a Tarot Spread.
5 Ways Archangel Cassiel Can Help
Archangel Cassiel is the patron saint of the grafter. He will tell you that anything worth doing won’t be easy but also that your hard work will pay off if you hang in there…
Archangel Cassiel Tarot Spread
A Tarot spread in honour of Archangel Cassiel, to help you remove any obstacles and self-imposed limitations that lie between you and success.
7 Ways to Harness the Power of the Capricorn New Moon
Harness the power of the Capricorn New Moon. Work with the relevant correspondences. Cast a spell and invoke the blessings of Archangel Cassiel, ruler of Saturn and Capricorn.