The 4 of Swords as feelings in love and relationship readings. Includes in-depth guidance for all aspects of the relationship and an angelic love tarot ritual.
Friday the 13th Pick-a-Pile Tarot Readings
Discover the historical and spiritual significance of Friday the 13th with unique Pick-a-Pile Tarot readings, embracing sacred feminine energy.
Navigating Romantic Relationships with the Tarot Minor Arcana
Enhance your romantic relationships with the Tarot Minor Arcana. Gain insights from the four suits and navigate love with wisdom and harmony.
Dragon Code 7 Gebo
Dragon Code 7 Gebo is the dragon code for meaningful exchange. Let’s look at how to use it for peace, prosperity and power.
Portal of Peace Libra Full Moon Tarot Spread
The Portal of Peace Tarot Spread is for the Libra Full Moon 2022. This lunation follows in the wake of the Neptune-Jupiter conjunction.
New Moon in Libra Tarot Spread
Make the most of the New Moon in Libra with the New Moon in Libra Tarot Spread, to help restore peace and harmony.