Pluto is finally about to leave Capricorn, so let’s pause and illuminate our minds with Magdalene musings about the mysteries. Includes a Tarot Spread.
The Seven Powers of Santa Muerte Tarot Spread
Learn about the seven colours and seven powers of Santa Muerte and use the Seven Powers of Santa Muerte Tarot Spread for optimising your life
How to Work with the Dark Goddess (with Tarot Spread)
Get to know the power of the Dark Goddess through Tarot, meditation, and ritual. Embrace transformation and balance with the Divine Feminine.
Get to Know Santa Muerte (with Tarot Spread)
Get to know Santa Muerte, the popular folk saint denounced by the Catholic Church. Includes a Tarot spread.
Santa Muerte Tarot Deck Interview
The Santa Muerte Tarot by Fabio Listrani arrived last week and as some of you recall, I used it for this week’s forecast. I’ve gone back to using one of …