Samhain is the perfect time to form a new divine partnership and start engaging with a new deity for a year and a day. Tarot Spread included.
Friday the 13th Pick-a-Pile Tarot Readings
Discover the historical and spiritual significance of Friday the 13th with unique Pick-a-Pile Tarot readings, embracing sacred feminine energy.
Holy Sophia in Valentinian Gnosticism (with Tarot Spread)
Explore the Valentinian Gnostic worldview through the Sophia’s Journey Tarot spread—a guide to spiritual enlightenment and self-discovery.
Nephthys and the Higher Heart Chakra (with Tarot Spread)
Explore the Higher Heart Chakra with the Goddess Nephthys and understand its importance for personal growth and development.
Five Ways to Connect with Bastet (with Tarot Spread)
Explore the history and significance of the Egyptian goddess Bastet and learn ways to connect with her protective and joyful spirit.
Get to Know Santa Muerte (with Tarot Spread)
Get to know Santa Muerte, the popular folk saint denounced by the Catholic Church. Includes a Tarot spread.
Sophianic Witchcraft and the Wise Witch Tarot Spread
Embark on a journey of spiritual awakening and healing, exploring the Divine Feminine and Sophianic witchcraft. Includes a Tarot Spread.
The Isis and Mother Mary Tarot Spread
The Isis and Mother Mary Tarot Spread can help you harness the guidance of the Divine Feminine for healing your inner child.
The Secret of Magical Decrees
In today’s post, we look at how to make magical decrees and how these decrees are different to prayers and petitions. While making a decree is not exclusive to any …
A Mary Magdalene Rosary
This Mary Magdalene Rosary prayer is suitable for anyone on a Magdalene Rose Priestess Path but can be adapted for other Paths.
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