Angelic Tarot Card meanings and correspondences for The Empress. Includes in-depth relationship meanings, affirmation, and invocation.
The Wyld Godde Tarot Empress
The Wyld Godde Tarot Empress is symbolic of the deeply erotic love of Godde, as well as the beauty and fecundity of nature.
Archangel Haniel Angelic Tarot Activation
Angelic Tarot Activation Code 3. Activation of The Empress Tarot card. Includes a channelled message from Archangel Haniel.
Litha Musings on Power
My mind is full and my heart is heavy this Litha. I had to speak my truth and I will make no excuses for it. Hurt ANY children and you are messing with Mama Bears globally..
The Empress Angelic Tarot Card Meanings
Angelic Tarot Card meanings and correspondences for The Empress. Includes in-depth relationship meanings, affirmation, and invocation.