virgo full moon tarot spread

Virgo Full Moon Tarot Spread

virgo full moon and the hermit

Today I’m sharing a Tarot spread for the upcoming Virgo Full Moon later this week. Mercury is the planetary ruler of the Zodiac signs Virgo and Gemini. The domain Mercury presides over is that of the intellect and communication, though when it is retrograde more of its psychopomp attributes come to the fore.

The Tarot spread I have created for the Full Moon in Virgo puts the emphasis on your mental state but it does so in a way that helps you problem-solve, unblock yourself and release your full potential to be of service because that is what the Full Moon in Virgo highlights for us as individuals.

During a Virgo Full Moon, concerns about usefulness and practicality are usually highlighted. It’s a good time to decide what to release that no longer serves us in practical ways.

The Main Virgo Card in the Tarot

The Hermit correspondeing with Virgo Energy

The Hermit is the Major Arcana card in the Tarot deck that corresponds with Virgo. His energy is characterised by thoughtful analysis and the pursuit of practical wisdom. The archetype of The Hermit reflects Virgo’s meticulous approach to life, emphasising the importance of solitude for personal reflection and self-improvement. Virgo (ruled by Mercury) pays attention to detail, has great organisational skills, and a methodical approach to tasks.

The Hermit serves as a reminder of the need to occasionally withdraw from the external chaos to reconnect with one’s inner guidance and intuition. This image echoes the Virgoan propensity for self-sufficiency and the preference for meaningful, purpose-driven work.

During a Full Moon in Virgo, The Hermit’s energy manifests as a call to evaluate our lives with precision and care. It urges us to shine a light on the cluttered areas of our existence, to discern what is essential and what can be released. This lunation highlights Virgo’s propensity for purification and refinement. It encourages us to thoughtfully consider our routines, habits, and the minutiae of daily life.

The presence of the Hermit’s energy acts as a beacon towards a more ordered and serene state of being, reminding us that sometimes the wisest action is to pause, reflect, and carefully plan the way forward.

Virgo Full Moon Tarot Spread

Embrace the energy of the Virgo Full Moon with this insightful 7-card spread. This spread aims to help you tune into the introspective power of The Hermit and use your mental faculties to assist in problem-solving, organising, and serving both yourself and others.

virgo full moon tarot spread

Virgo Full Moon Tarot Spread Card Positions

  1. Analytical MindWhat part of my thought process needs the most attention right now?
  2. Organisational FocusWhere should I channel my organisational skills in my life?
  3. Practical ReleaseWhich practical matter should I let go of to improve my wellbeing?
  4. Service PathIn what ways can I best serve others with my abilities?
  5. Reflective SolitudeHow can I benefit from some alone time during this Full Moon?
  6. Wise ActionWhat is the most sensible next step for me to take?
  7. Meticulous PlanningWhat project or aspect of my life needs careful planning now?

Sample Reading with the Mystical Tarot of The Saints

Virgo Full Moon Tarot Reading with the Mystical Tarot of the Saints
  1. Analytical Mind2 of Wands. I need to attend to the thought processes and choices that move my career forward. Consider a mutually beneficial collaboration/partnership.
  2. Organisational Focus4 of Pentacles. Focus on getting my finances in order.
  3. Practical ReleaseThe Sun. I need to release overworking because I’m starting to feel burned out.
  4. Service PathKnight of Swords. I serve best by communicating what I learn.
  5. Reflective Solitude6 of Swords. Solitude will give me the sense of calm I need right now to gain clarity about what direction to take next in my career. (with the card in position 1)
  6. Wise Action6 of Pentacles. The most sensible step to take is to be generous with my gift and share from the heart.
  7. Meticulous Planning2 of Cups. Reading this with the card in position 1, I need to consider teaming up for some kind of mutually beneficial collaboration.

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  1. Thank you for this! Very insightful. I got the following cards
    1. The Magician,
    2. Queen of Pentacles reversed.
    3. Page of Pentacles reversed
    4. Queen of wands
    5. The Moon
    My 6th Card was also TheFool!

      1. So,
        1. My mental state is a bit overstimulated right now, juggling a lot mentally- school, work, life, spirituality, so much. Hence, the magician
        2. Beating myself up for not managing funds well, not spending enough time with family
        3. I need to relax and just take a break, do nothing. Take time to be less serious or “focused”
        4. To be happy and in charge and fill my world with magic
        5. Not sure how The Moon card fits in…
        6. I copied your interpretation word for word

        1. Author

          Hi Lola, Thanks for sharing. I don’t know if you noticed but you missed a card out – This is a 7-card spread… I’m happy to help with The Moon but I need to know which out of the SEVEN positions it is in first. 🙂

          1. OMG so I’ll do it again I actually pulled 7 cards, good thing I took notes!
            1. Mental state: The Magician my mental state is overstimulated rn
            2. Self judgment: Queen of Pentacles reversed beating myself up for not managing funds well, not spending enough time with family
            3. Mercy: Page of Pentacles reversed: relax, do nothing, take time out to play sometimes
            4: Dream/vision for the future : Queen of Wands: Happy and in charge, filling my world with magic.
            5. Area where I have already excelled : The Moon…
            6. This will cease to be useful: Ace of Pentacles – I think this has to do with thinking and worrying about how to make more money
            7: Where it’s most useful to focus my thoughts: The Fool!

            1. Author

              Great! Right, so the Moon as an area where you have already excelled could be about a few different things… but the things that spring to mind is overcoming some of your fears and having tuned into a more intuitive way of navigating your problems.

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