divine partnership

Samhain Deity Work (with Divine Partnership Tarot Spread)

divine partnership

In today’s post, I share a Divine Partnership Tarot spread in time for Samhain. Samhain is a cross-quarter holiday in the Pagan Wheel of the Year that is celebrated from sunset on 31 October to sunset on 1 November. It is widely regarded as the Witches’ New Year and it’s a great time for a spiritual reboot and deity work as well as connecting with the ancestors. This sacred time marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the darker half of the year. It’s a period of deep reflection, renewal, and spiritual significance for many practitioners on a Pagan path.

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Why Samhain is the Perfect Time for a New Divine Partnership

Samhain is an ideal time to initiate a year-long partnership with a deity for several reasons:

  1. Thinning of the Veil: Samhain is a time when the boundary between the physical and spiritual worlds is at its thinnest. This increased spiritual accessibility makes it easier to connect with deities and other spiritual entities.
  2. New Beginnings: As the Witches’ New Year, Samhain represents a time of endings and new beginnings. It’s a natural point to set intentions and embark on new spiritual journeys.
  3. Introspection and Renewal: The darker half of the year encourages introspection and spiritual growth. This inward focus can help you forge a deeper connection with a chosen god or goddess.

That said, you can use the information in this post (including the spread) any time you feel called to begin working with a new god or goddess. A year and a day is a reasonable amount of time to dedicate to any deity you feel drawn to work since it allows you to interact with them through all the stations of the Wheel of the Year. However, be prepared for it to develop into a lifelong relationship and commitment in some instances.

If you’re looking for more ideas about how to make the most of Samhain, make sure to check out this post which includes a Samhain Spiritual Seeds Tarot Spread.

Choosing a God or Goddess to Work With

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to wait for a dramatic sign or miracle to choose a deity to engage with. Here’s a thoughtful approach to selecting a divine partner:

  1. Self-Reflection: Begin by listing attributes or qualities you admire or wish to cultivate in yourself. These can guide you towards deities that align with your spiritual goals.
  2. Research: Study various pantheons and deities, focusing on their attributes, cultural context, and associated symbols. Look for deities that resonate with your list of desired qualities.
  3. Meditation and Intuition: Spend time in meditation, reflecting on the deities you’ve researched. Pay attention to any intuitive pulls or connections you feel.
  4. Divination: Perform a tarot reading or use another form of divination to gain insights into potential divine partnerships. In addition to the spread below, you can find several spreads for specific deities HERE. This can help confirm your intuitions and provide guidance on the suitability of a particular deity.
  5. Ritual Introduction: Once you’ve selected a deity, plan a small ritual to formally introduce yourself. This can include offerings of items associated with the deity, such as specific flowers, food, drink, or incense. If your offering is accepted and the deity you are reaching out to wants to engage with you, you will feel their presence during the ritual. An empty feeling should be taken as a no from the god or goddess. It is perfectly normal to get a no and not something you should take personally.
  6. Open Communication: After your ritual, remain open to signs or communications from the deity. These may come through dreams, omens, or unexpected encounters.
  7. Relationship Mindset: Remember that a relationship with a deity is a relationship. Be prepared to offer your time, attention, and devotion in exchange for their guidance and support.

The Divine Partnership Tarot Spread

the divine partnership tarot spread

1. Most Relevant Aspect of the Deity

What aspect of this deity is most relevant to our potential partnership?

This card reveals the specific qualities or energies of the deity that may resonate with you in this collaboration.

2. How the God or Goddess Feels About You

How does the deity feel about working with you for a year and a day?

This card provides insight into the deity’s emotions and openness toward forming a connection with you.

3. What They Expect from You

What does the deity expect from you in return for their guidance and support?

This card outlines the commitments, offerings, or actions the deity anticipates in exchange for their assistance.

4. Guidance for Your Journey

What guidance or wisdom does the deity have for you as you embark on this partnership?

This card illustrates the advice or insights that can help you navigate this year-long journey.

5. Potential Challenges

What challenges may arise during this partnership?

This card highlights potential obstacles or tests that could surface as you work together.

6. Benefits of the Partnership

What positive outcomes can you expect from this collaboration?

This card reveals the blessings, growth, or transformations that may come from your relationship with the deity.

7. Long-Term Impact

How will this partnership affect your spiritual path in the long run?

This card offers a glimpse into the lasting influence this collaboration may have on your life and spirituality beyond the year and a day.

Divine Partnership Sample Tarot Reading

divine partnership sample tarot reading with the runic tarot
Runic Tarot

1. Most Relevant Aspect of the Deity – 4 of Wands

The 4 of Wands signifies a deity that embodies celebration, harmony, and community. This god or goddess may represent joy and stability, inviting you to create a sacred space filled with gratitude and connection. They are likely to be associated with festivities, homecoming, and the establishment of a strong foundation for your spiritual journey together.

2. How the God or Goddess Feels About You – 2 of Wands

The 2 of Wands indicates that the god or goddess feels a sense of potential and anticipation regarding this partnership. They are considering the possibilities that lie ahead and are open to exploring new horizons with you. This card suggests that they see the potential for growth and expansion in your collaboration, but they also want to ensure that you are equally committed to this journey.

3. What They Expect from You – The Lovers

With The Lovers, the deity expects a deep, meaningful connection rooted in mutual respect and understanding. They seek a partnership that transcends mere obligation; they want you to engage with them wholeheartedly. This card emphasises the importance of choices and harmony, suggesting that your commitment should be based on love and alignment with your values.

4. Guidance for Your Journey – The Fool

The Fool encourages you to embrace this journey with an open heart and a sense of adventure. This card suggests that you should approach your work with the deity with curiosity and a willingness to take risks. Trust in the process and be ready to explore the unknown, as this openness will lead to profound growth and discovery.

5. Potential Challenges – The Empress

The Empress may indicate challenges related to nurturing and abundance. You might struggle with feelings of inadequacy or the pressure to create and maintain a flourishing spiritual practice. This card reminds you to cultivate self-love and patience, as the journey may require you to balance your desires with the realities of your life.

6. Benefits of the Partnership – 2 of Pentacles

The 2 of Pentacles suggests that this partnership will bring balance and adaptability into your life. You will learn to juggle various aspects of your spiritual and everyday life more effectively. This card indicates that the collaboration will enhance your ability to manage responsibilities while remaining flexible and open to change.

7. Long-Term Impact – The Magician

The Magician signifies that this partnership will empower you to manifest your desires and harness your full potential. You will gain the skills and confidence needed to create your reality, using the tools and resources at your disposal. This card suggests that your work with the deity will lead to significant personal transformation and the ability to channel your intentions into tangible outcomes.

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