how to connect with your higher self

Ways to Connect with Your Higher Self (with Tarot Spread)

how to connect with your higher self

Someone asked me during a TikTok LIVE the other day about how to connect with their Higher Self. So today, we are looking at the most efficient ways of re-establishing the connection to our Higher Self or what some refer to as the Angelic Self or True Self. I’m also sharing a Higher Self Tarot Spread with a sample reading below.

Jump straight to the Higher Self Tarot Spread

But first, I want to talk about what disconnects us from the voice and guidance of the Higher Self and I want to do so from a scientific point of view. You see, it’s all about the brain. We either allow it (and it’s monkey mind’) to control us or we learn to master it.

So let’s begin by looking at neuroscience and its understanding of how brain activity influences our consciousness. The beta state is typically associated with our normal waking consciousness, characterised by a heightened state of alertness, logic, and critical left-brain-dominant reasoning. In this state, which ranges between 12 to 38 Hz, we are fully engaged with the external world, focused on the tasks at hand.

To connect with our Higher Self – that intuitive, deeply knowledgeable right-brain-dominant aspect of our being – transitioning from beta to the alpha state is necessary. The alpha brainwave state is slower, falling in the range of 8 to 12 Hz, and is associated with relaxation, calmness, and a receptive mindset. It’s often referred to as the gateway to your subconscious mind, where intuition and creativity flow more freely.

Encouraging More Alpha

The transition from beta to alpha is a natural process and can be encouraged through various activities. One of the most common ways to induce an alpha state is through meditation, which helps in quieting the mind. As we meditate, we lessen the grip of analytical and often critical thought patterns, allowing us to tap into a more profound, intuitive layer of consciousness.

When we enter the alpha state, we’re more open to receiving the subtle, inner guidance from our Higher Self. This opens the door to insights and understandings that might otherwise be drowned out by the constant chatter of a busy beta-dominated mind. It’s important to remember that our brains naturally cycle through these brainwave states. However, with intentional practice, we can learn to enter the alpha state and strengthen our connection to our Higher Self more consciously and efficiently.

You may be relieved to know that you don’t have to spend months mastering shifting from beta to alpha by learning to meditate. You spent most of your childhood in alpha quite naturally and that’s a skill you can recapture. Perhaps this is even what Jesus meant when he said we have to become like little children to enter the Kingdom. Below I’m sharing my top five ways of quickly and joyfully entering into alpha to communicate with my Higher Self.

Top 5 Ways to Connect with My Higher Self

Here are five quick and easy activities that can help you tap into the alpha brainwave state playfully and joyfully:

1. Taking a Leisurely Walk

Engage in a gentle, mindful walk in a peaceful environment, like a park or a serene neighbourhood. As you walk, pay attention to the rhythm of your steps, the feel of the breeze, and the sounds of nature. This light physical activity, combined with the immersion in nature, can naturally lower your brainwave frequency to the relaxing alpha state. Nature naturally opens our heart chakra. Living from the heart very much allows us to spend more time in the alpha brainwave state.

2. Enjoying a Warm Shower

A warm shower isn’t just for cleanliness; it’s a sensory experience. Allow the sensation of the water cascading down your body to wash away your worries and stress. This soothing routine can calm the mind, ease muscle tension, and help transition your brain into the alpha state.

3. Listening to Soft Music

Music has the power to instantly alter our mood and brain state. Find a playlist of soft, ambient music or sounds of nature, and let the melodies carry you into a state of relaxation and open-mindedness. The gentle auditory stimulation encourages your brain to synchronise with the alpha frequency.

4. Engaging in Free-Flow Drawing

Grab some paper and coloured pencils or paints and just start drawing or painting without a specific goal in mind. This form of expression fosters creativity, which is naturally associated with the alpha state. As you immerse yourself in the colours and shapes, your critical thinking recedes, making way for intuition and spontaneity.

5. Practicing Deep Breathing

Sit or lie down comfortably and focus on your breath. Practice deep, slow breathing, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Counting your breaths and focusing on the sensations of your body can also help in this process. This simple practice is a form of meditation that can quickly induce a state of calmness and an alpha brainwave state.

Bonus Tip: Shuffling the Cards to Induce Alpha Brainwaves

For card readers, the act of shuffling your deck presents itself as a meditative ritual—an unexpected pocket of tranquillity in your daily routine. The repetitive motion of moving the cards through your fingers can be soothing and hypnotic, guiding your mind away from the high-frequency buzz of the beta state towards the serene shores of alpha.

As you focus on the tactile sensation of the cards, the sound of them sliding against each other, and the rhythm of your shuffle, you draw your attention inward. This singular focus on the present action helps quiet the chatter of the conscious mind. It invites a connective silence, laying down a bridge to your Higher Self. Not only does this prepare you for a reading with enhanced intuition, but it also weaves a peaceful calm into the fabric of your daily practice.

Combining these activities to connect with your Higher Self can further enhance your ability to enter the alpha state. You could, for instance, draw while listening to soft music playing in the background. Approach each activity with a sense of play and openness.

In Alpha, Then What?

Okay, so you’re in the alpha brainwave state, now what? The trick here is not to start asking questions that demand a left-brained approach when analysing the answer because that will snap you right out of alpha. Think instead of how your mind communicates when you’re in a state of creative flow. Allow yourself to remain receptive and inspired.

Children and the Connection with the Higher Self

Remaining in the alpha brainwave state comes quite naturally to children, and there are specific reasons for this phenomenon that are worth exploring. From a developmental perspective, young children spend a significant amount of time in the alpha state as their brains are still in the process of growing and forming crucial connections. The alpha state is more dominant in children due to the following reasons:

Natural Learning and Creativity

Children are inherently curious and are in a constant state of learning and discovery. Their approach to the world around them is not mired by rigid thought patterns or extensive critical analysis. This openness and curiosity nurture the alpha state, which supports creative thinking and the assimilation of new information with ease.

Playfulness and Imagination

Children engage in play as a primary activity, which is a natural expression of the alpha brainwave state. Through imaginative play, children often lose themselves in the moment, allowing their inner thoughts and creativity to guide them. This state of engagement is akin to the flow state in adults, where time and external pressures seem to dissolve, and the mind becomes absorbed in the activity at hand.

Emotional Connection

Children are more connected to their emotions and express them freely. They do so without the layers of self-criticism and social conditioning that adults often have. They live in the present, experiencing joy, sadness, and wonder with full intensity. This present-moment awareness is a hallmark of the alpha state. In this state, the mind is not preoccupied with past events or future concerns.

Reduced Stress Levels

Young children typically have fewer responsibilities and stressors compared to adults. Their minds aren’t consumed by the same kinds of worries, anxieties, and the constant processing of information that characterise adult life. This reduced stress level allows their brain waves to stay in the lower frequency of alpha more naturally, promoting relaxation and receptivity.

Frequent Transition Between Sleep and Wakefulness

Children, especially very young ones, transition frequently between sleep and wakefulness as they nap and rest more often than adults. These transitions can result in spending more time in the alpha state, in contrast to the beta state which dominates during periods of intense focus and activity in waking hours.

Famous Genuises and the Power of the Nap

The process of tapping into the brain’s potential during the delicate phase between wakefulness and sleep, known as the hypnagogic state, has fascinated many throughout history. It has also been strategically used by several famous inventors, creatives and thinkers to boost their creativity and problem-solving abilities.

When we transition from wakefulness to sleep, our brain activity changes. When prepare for sleep, we begin to relax and our brainwaves slow down to the calm alpha state.

As we enter the hypnagogic phase – the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep – our brainwaves slow even further into the theta state. The theta brainwave state ranges between 4 to 8 Hz and is a state of deep relaxation, meditation, and light sleep. It’s typically the brainwave pattern we see in daydreaming, deep meditation, and just before we fall into deep sleep.

During this hypnagogic phase, people often experience vivid imagery, free-flowing ideas, and spontaneous creative thoughts. It is a period rich in creativity and intuition, where the barriers between conscious thought and subconscious imagery are blurred. The theta state is fertile ground for insights and the merging of ideas that may not typically be associated with each other. This is what makes it a valuable resource for problem-solving and innovation.

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison, the prolific inventor with over a thousand patents to his name, used the hypnagogic state to innovate. He would sit with a steel ball in each hand and relax in a chair with his arms over the armrests, holding the balls over metal bowls placed on the floor. As he drifted toward sleep, his grip on the balls would weaken, and they would eventually drop and clang loudly against the bowls. This noise would awaken him, allowing him to capture the creative ideas that emerged during the hypnagogic state.

Salvador Dali

Similarly, the surrealist artist Salvador Dali would sit in a chair with a heavy key in his hand and doze off. Below the key, he placed a plate so that when sleep took over, and his hand relaxed, the key would hit the plate and rouse him back into wakefulness. Dali was then able to recall the dreamlike visions he experienced, which often influenced his paintings.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is rumoured to have used a similar technique, as he was known to take micro-naps or engage in quiet, meditative moments to help solve complex problems. While specifics of his method are not as well documented, it is clear that relaxed states could have been conducive to his thought experiments that led to his groundbreaking theories.

Richard Feynman

The Nobel-prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman also showed interest in the hypnagogic insights. Though not traditionally recognised for using the hypnagogic state to invent, Feynman included his own experiences in his book, “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!” He described experiencing hallucinatory images as he was dozing off and conducted experiments on himself to understand this state of consciousness.

These creative souls used various methods to reduce the noise of the beta brainwave state and access the wisdom of their higher selves for which genius is but another word.

You and your genius/Higher Self are never separate from each other. It is only a matter of ‘noise reduction’ to access the wisdom of your Higher Self.

The Higher Self Tarot Spread

a 5-card tarot spread to connect with and embody the genius of your higher self

1. Present State of Connection with Your Higher Self

Interpretation: This card represents your current connection with your Higher Self. It shows where you are on your journey to embodying your higher consciousness and the clarity of the communication between your conscious mind and your Higher Self.

2. Blockages or Challenges

Interpretation: The card in this position reveals the obstacles or challenges that may be preventing you from fully connecting with and expressing your Higher Self’s guidance. It can highlight patterns, circumstances, or psychological blocks.

3. Steps to Overcome Challenges

Interpretation: This card suggests actionable steps or shifts in perception needed to overcome the blockages identified by the previous card. It offers guidance on how to clear the path to a more profound connection with your innate wisdom and creativity.

4. How To Tap Into Creativity

Interpretation: This card illuminates how you can access and stimulate the flow of creative energy from your Higher Self. It points to activities, thought processes, or emotional states that unlock your fullest potential for ingenious ideas and solutions.

5. Potential for Growth

Interpretation: Lastly, the card in this position reveals the potential growth on your path towards a more authentic expression of your Higher Self. It showcases the transformation and expansion that is available to you as you align more closely with your Higher Self and live out your genius.

Reading the Spread:

  • When conducting the reading, focus on maintaining a relaxed and open state to invite intuitive insights. Shuffle the cards until you achieve the alpha brainwave state to allow for intuitive insights to come through.
  • Consider each card individually as well as in the context of the neighbouring cards, opening up to perceive interconnected themes.
  • Be prepared to take both reflective and practical approaches to the guidance presented.
  • Trust the process, using the cards as a tool to deepen your understanding and embodiment of your Higher Self.

Remember, this Tarot spread serves as a mirror to your inner world and a map towards greater self-realisation. Each card is a conversation with your Higher Self, revealing layers of wisdom and understanding.

Sample Higher Self Tarot Reading

1. Present State of Connection with Your Higher Self: 9 of Pentacles

Interpretation: The 9 of Pentacles is a card of abundance, self-sufficiency, and well-being. As your current state of connection with your Higher Self, this card suggests you are in a place where you are experiencing the fruits of your hard work and self-discipline. You have a sense of independence and comfort in your own skin, which is conducive to a strong connection with your Higher Self. Take comfort in knowing you are currently aligned with the principles of self-fulfilment and gratitude.

2. Blockages or Challenges: 2 of Pentacles

Interpretation: The 2 of Pentacles symbolises balance and the management of resources and responsibilities. Your challenges may stem from juggling too many tasks, which can disrupt inner harmony and focus. You may struggle to find time for quiet reflection or to listen to the guidance of your Higher Self amidst the busyness of your day-to-day life. It is important to acknowledge the necessity of balancing your external obligations with your internal needs.

3. Steps to Overcome Challenges: The Hermit

Interpretation: The Hermit card calls for introspection and seeking inner wisdom. To overcome the difficulties indicated by the 2 of Pentacles, it is essential to carve out solitary time and space for self-reflection. This may involve retreating from the external noise and committing to a meditation practice or simply finding regular periods of quietude. The Hermit serves as a reminder that the answers you seek are within and that solitude can be a wise teacher.

4. How To Tap Into Creativity: 2 of Cups

Interpretation: The 2 of Cups usually speaks of partnerships and emotional bonds. To access creativity, this card suggests opening up to collaborations or seeking emotional support and connection. It may also indicate that your creative spark is ignited through relationships and the sharing of ideas. Embrace the exchange of energy that comes from connecting with others and allow it to fuel your creative endeavours.

5. Potential for Growth: The Empress

Interpretation: The Empress (your Soul Card) is a symbol of fertility, nurturing, and the proliferation of ideas and growth. Your potential for growth lies in your ability to create and nurture, not only in your projects but within yourself. Embrace your feminine energy (regardless of gender) and let this innately fertile and creative force guide you. The Empress assures a blossoming of consciousness and the unfolding of your Higher Self’s purpose when you lean into care, compassion, and creation.

Reading the Spread:

Remember, as you interact with each card, to stay relaxed and open. This will allow you to dive into a deep, intuitive dialogue with your Higher Self. Throughout the reading, focus on the cards not just as isolated advice, but as overlapping steps on your path toward spiritual and personal growth. Trust that your Higher Self is always available to guide you through the wisdom of the Tarot.

Check out this massive library with 300+ FREE Tarot Spreads for personal & spiritual development!


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