wyld godde tarot tower

The Wyld Godde Tarot Tower

wyld  godde tarot tower

The Wyld Godde Tarot Tower card is a sign of the times and the fact that the Mars impulse still very much rules our “civilised” world. Christ came as the remedy for this impulse. But most people in power still live from a place where power over others is all that matters and the power of love matters little or not at all.

A further sign of the times is Elon Musk’s obsession with Mars and the integration of the human mind with AI. And for that, we need satellites and 5G towers. These pave the way for total control and the kind of Borg society that is the wet dream of every technocrat out there.

AI loves division

Interestingly, this morning Twitter let me know that my account had been restricted for three days. This is after I decided to start following accounts that share my spiritual interests rather than the recommended accounts. The recommended accounts are almost all highly politicised and divisive.

Obviously, the more divisive, the more engaging in terms of triggering angry and reactive tweets. And that’s the kind of Martian stuff the algorithm likes.

Ah yes, Twitter runs on the juice pressed from the grapes of wrath pressed from the Martian impulse. It was always thus and Musk certainly has no intention of changing that.

Anger Revisited

In yesterday’s post about The Devil, we talked about how anger is one of the three basic emotions that disconnect us from the Universal Life Force. Seen from a purely psycho-spiritual point of view, The Tower is the anger card. So, on a personal level, it relates to the solar plexus chakra.

When the interpretation is more in line with ‘Force Majeur’ or an ‘Act of God,’ it is still anger and the destruction that it brings that we see. But in the case of the latter, it is God’s anger against the people for erecting the Tower of Babel. And what is the Tower of Babel but an attempt of the ego-mind to power itself in its disconnected state?

The 5G towers are a perfect emblem of this state of mind. They represent the attempt to stay connected from the mind instead of the heart while maintaining the option of being able to manipulate and control those who are connected through this Martian stream.

Are we separate?

So the question then becomes, ‘Is God separate from us?’

When we are more concerned with the power of love than seeking power over others, are we not living and moving in the Spirit?

The need to be in control and exercise power over others comes from repressed anger. And if we peel away yet another layer, that anger stems from mistrust in our connection with Godde/our Source.

In other words, no matter how you look at it, The Tower represents an inorganic and imbalanced power structure. And because it is inorganic and imbalanced, sooner or later, it will have to come down.

Not all bad

The Martian energy associated with The Tower is not all bad. This is powerful energy if channelled correctly. It can give us the edge when we need to perform physically demanding tasks, for instance. It can also grant us the courage to stand up for ourselves and others when oppressive forces swoop down. And let’s not forget that this is the masculine power that impregnates the fertile soil of The Empress.

We need Tower energy. We just don’t need it in the inorganic way the people in power are selling it to us. But in its balanced expression, it is a beautiful thing. Think of the rush you get from a powerful thunder and lightning display on a warm summer’s night and you get the idea.

7 Questions from the Wyld Godde Tarot Tower

  • What have you been angry about for a very long time that you are now ready to release?
  • How do you normally express anger? Where in your body do you feel it?
  • What is the most destructive outcome that anger has produced in your life?
  • How can you learn to express your anger without repressing it?
  • Who or what is currently seeking to control you and how do you feel about it?
  • What does a positive and balanced expression of the Martian impulse look like in your life?
  • How important is feeling powerful to you and how powerful do you feel?

Comments 4

  1. 7 Questions from the Wyld Godde Tarot Tower
    What have you been angry about for a very long time that you are now ready to release?
    Not being able to “get what I want”.
    How do you normally express anger? Sarcasm. Where in your body do you feel it? head and stomach.
    What is the most destructive outcome that anger has produced in your life? No children or close family relations.
    How can you learn to express your anger without repressing it? Trying to find solutions as opposed to reacting.
    Who or what is currently seeking to control you and how do you feel about it? A “friend” who displays symptoms of BPD and tries to manipulate my emotions. I just want her to go away forever.
    What does a positive and balanced expression of the Martian impulse look like in your life? Being able to take the ram by the horns and control my impulse to be nasty or sarcastic. Reacting like Jesus would have.
    How important is feeling powerful to you and how powerful do you feel? Being empowered is essential to grow spiritually , so very important.
    Generally I feel empowered but there are moments, I relapse into fear . Especially when confronted .

    Thank you for these questions. I’ve been away for a bit due to a severe sinus infection which ironically started right after I told the aforementioned BPD individual I could no longer be her personal psycho-analyst. That afternoon/night I became very ill with the worst sinus pressure I’ve ever experienced. It lasted 10 days.
    I’m just now finally almost back to normal.

    Babylon is falling and it can be quite scary without faith.

    1. Post

      Great self-reflections here, Tara – Thank you so much for sharing! Sorry to hear about your ‘friend’ and the related sinus infection. I’m sure you know that sinus issues are related to anger. Faith can change and grow with us. If it can’t it’s not faith but dogma. The other day, I heard the clearest message I’ve ever heard from Spirit: “You are whole. You are not broken. You are whole. So go forth and shine your light and teach others to do the same.” See how that message sits with you.

      1. Wow. I had no idea sinus issues were related to anger. This really helps. Maybe now I can finally heal . My sinus issues are pretty bad and have been for years.

        I screenshot your above quotation and will refer to it .

        As always, thanks for helping me to ground. Although you may not realize it. 🙂

        1. Post

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