common tarot myths

Busting 10 Common Tarot Myths

common tarot myths

Today’s post, Busting 10 Common Tarot Myths, is all about unravelling the mysteries and misconceptions surrounding Tarot. Whether you’re a seasoned Tarot reader or a curious newcomer, understanding the truths behind these common myths can enhance your journey with the cards. From the historical origins of Tarot to the genuine ways we can use the cards today, we’ll break down ten beliefs and reveal the reality behind them. Let’s dive in and discover the rich, versatile world of Tarot together.

If you prefer listening to Busting 10 Common Tarot Myths, you can do so over on the Angelorum Tarot Podcast on Substack.

1. The Tarot Is a Tool for Spiritual Development

While some individuals use the Tarot for spiritual growth, meditation, or self-reflection, it is not inherently a spiritual tool. Tarot cards first appeared in the late Middle Ages as a game of cards. They are neutral, and their use is determined by the intention and approach of the user or reader. Many people use Tarot purely for fun, storytelling, or psychological insight. In Mediterranean countries, many still use Tarot cards for playing card games.

2. The Tarot is Demonic

Despite some misconceptions, the Tarot is not a demonic or evil practice. In fact, the Bible does not even mention the Tarot. As mentioned above, the Tarot originated as a card game in 15th-century Europe and evolved into a tool for divination later on.

Divination is Not Evil, Demonic or Banned by God

Some who like to use a literal interpretation for certain aspects of the Good Book claim that divination is against the Law. These same people typically do not heed prohibitions in that same Law against eating crustaceans or mixing fibres and, quite illogically, claim to be under grace rather than under the Law. It would be better for these people to adopt a more non-literal view of the Bible since trying to make sense of it otherwise becomes a hot mess leading to all kinds of cognitive dissonance. Trust me, I know all about this having renounced my Tarot practice not once but twice due to Religious Trauma Syndrome.

Either way, there is no blanket ban against divination by the Judeo-Christian God. The Bible is full of divinatory practices, from dream interpretation to the use of casting lots.

CLICK HERE to check out Christian and Gnostic Tarot Resources.

3. You Have to Be Gifted Your First Tarot Deck

A persistent myth is that your first Tarot deck must be given to you as a gift. This is not true—anyone can buy their own Tarot deck. Choosing your deck personally ensures that you connect to its symbolism and imagery, which can enhance your ability to read with the cards.

Funnily enough, I don’t even know how my first deck of cards found me. I stumbled upon a Majors only cardboard cut-out deck in a health magazine and instantly felt a strong pull toward the cards. I suppose you could see that strong pull as the gift from the universe to let you know that the Tarot is a good tool for you to use.

4. You Have to Be Psychic to Read the Cards

Reading Tarot cards does not require one to be psychic. The power of Tarot lies in symbols and archetypes, which anyone can interpret. With study and practice, anyone can develop the skill to read Tarot cards.

However, working intently with symbolism is likely to activate your third eye chakra and open up your ability to channel information through. This is because symbols and archetypes are the language of the soul. To be psychic simply means that you understand this language. It is through the soul that we connect with the One Mind, the Source of all that is.

5. Tarot Readings Predict the Future

Another myth is that Tarot can tell the future with certainty. Tarot readings are more about possibilities and guidance rather than absolute predictions. They reflect potential outcomes based on current energies and actions, offering insight and advice rather than definitive answers.

That said, can the Tarot accurately help us foresee a likely outcome? Yes, without a doubt. And this really is no different from learning to read weather patterns. If something has already been set in motion with a fairly steady trajectory, it can most certainly show up in the cards. But it is important to remember that the future is not set in stone. Always remember the ancient maxim, ‘Enchant long and divine short.’

6. Tarot Cards and Decks Are Cursed or Haunted

There is a myth that Tarot cards can carry curses or negative energies. While objects can hold sentimental or emotional energy, Tarot cards themselves are not inherently cursed or haunted. Proper care, cleansing rituals, and intention-setting can keep any object energetically clear and positive.


A simple way to keep the energy of your Tarot deck clear and balanced between readings is to use the Reiki Raku symbol. Simply draw it over your deck while visualising a blueish white light cleansing any sticky energy.

7. Tarot Will Invite Spirits or Summon Entities

Some believe that using the Tarot invites spirits or summons entities. This is not true; Tarot readings involve interpreting cards rather than summoning beings unless you set the intent to summon a being. The focus in a Tarot reading is on personal insight and communication rather than contacting external entities.

That said, to each their own and the cards can, with the right intent in place, act as a tool for mediumship and channelling. Check out the Mediumship Tarot Spread or the Spirit Communication Tarot Spread if this is something you would like to try or why not use this Tarot Spread to learn how to develop your ability to channel?

8. Cards Like Death and The Devil Are Bad or Evil

Finally, some might think that certain cards like Death and The Devil are inherently bad or evil. However, all cards carry the full spectrum of light and dark. It is our understanding and depth of wisdom that determine how we relate to and utilise the energy of each card. Each card’s meaning can be multifaceted, offering both challenges and growth opportunities based on our perspective and interpretation.

9. The Tarot Is Limited to Certain Religious or Spiritual Paths

Tarot is a versatile tool that transcends cultural and religious boundaries. Although it has its origins in a Christianised Western Europe, people from all over the world and various religious backgrounds use Tarot for different purposes. It is a universal tool accessible to anyone interested in exploring its depths. You don’t have to be a witch, New Ager or occultist to use the cards.


Sadly, in spite of the medieval Christian symbology still present in many Tarot decks, many Christian denominations, including the Catholic Church, have condemned the usage of Tarot cards. In the Roman Catholic Catechism, we find the following about divination in general:

“All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to unveil the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.” CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH #2116

However, many Christians use the Tarot cards as a tool for meditation and as journaling prompts for self-reflection rather than for fortune-telling. If this is something that calls to you, I recommend checking out a book titled ‘The Contemplative Tarot‘ by Brittany Muller. And for Christians who take the multiple accounts of divination in the Bible as a green light do use the Tarot that way, there are now multiple resources, including a book titled ‘Divination in the Bible: Practical Communication with God‘ by Micah Blake.


Equally, Islam has condemned the use of Tarot and all other forms of divination. They are considered ‘Shirk‘ (idolatry) and a way of seeking guidance apart from Allah which is a mortal sin. However, just as Christian mystics take a different view of esoteric practices so do Sufi mystics within Islam and there is even a Sufi Tarot deck.

10. Tarot Readings Have to Be In Person

With advances in technology, there is no need to conduct Tarot readings face-to-face. Online Tarot readings through video calls, chat, or email have become popular and effective ways to consult the cards. Physical distance does not diminish the accuracy and insight of a Tarot reading.

By dispelling these myths, we gain a clearer understanding of what Tarot is and how we can use it. It is a versatile tool with diverse applications, shaped by the user’s intentions and interpretations.

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