unveiling the golden age tarot

Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot Review and Deck Interview

unveiling the golden age tarot

There was some kind of recent reconnection and resonance with all things Lemurian that pulled me in the direction of Unveiling the Golden Age: A Visionary Tarot Experience (affiliate link). I used to own the Lemurian Oracle by the same artist, Izzy Ivy. Sadly, though I loved the artwork, I was not able to use the Lemurian Oracle for any deeply meaningful readings.

It just goes to show that great art does not equate to readability to me personally. (It could also be due to me not being ready to receive the light codes in that artwork yet!) However, when I learned that Izzy had created a Tarot deck, I had to check it out. I know from experience that any Tarot deck with artwork that I love will work for me thanks to the inherent structure.

Based on some of the reviews I came across before deciding to buy the deck, some argue that this is more of an oracle deck than a Tarot deck. While it may not be your RWS clone or traditional Tarot deck, I would argue that it is both a Tarot deck and an oracle deck… and then some! That said, for a beginner who is seeking to learn the structure and basics of the Tarot, I would recommend a standard RWS-style deck.

You can view all 78 cards of the deck in the YouTube flip-through video below:

The Basics

The Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot is published by Blue Angel and comes with a 300-page companion book. The set is nestled in a sturdy cardboard box that has a lid that lifts off rather than a magnetic flip-top lid. This is a gilded deck but not with the super shiny type gilding. It’s got more of a powder finish.

All the Major Arcana cards have alternative and/or traditional titles included at the bottom of the cards that are otherwise borderless with a matte finish. Size-wise this is a slightly larger-than-normal Tarot deck. Almost a centimetre taller and a couple of centimetres wider than your standard RWS decks.

The Major title changes are to The Fool (The Muse), The Hanged Man (The Suspended One), Death (Rebirth), and The Devil (The Catalyst). I like the renaming of The Devil in particular. I have not seen it named ‘The Catalyst’ elsewhere but it makes sense in terms of soul alchemy.

The Minor Arcana suits are:

  • Wands = Light Codes
  • Cups = Portals
  • Swords = Activations
  • Pentacles = Earth Guardians

The Court Card titles are:

  • Page = Initiate
  • Knight = Paladin
  • Queen = Priestess
  • King = Sage

Alternative Uses and Additions

In addition to the card titles, the cards are also numbered between 0 and 77. As for alternative uses, there are in-depth descriptions for how to use the Unveiling the Golden Age for guided meditations. For this purpose, the cards have been decorated with additional symbols that signify Anchoring Light, Chakra Guardians and Mythical Guardians. Additionally, the Light Code and Portal suits are also included. This means that the cards with these symbols on them have and additional ‘Vision for Journeying’ section included in the card meanings.

Other than using the cards for journeying, you can also use the Unveiling the Golden Age tarot deck for creating grids. You can use the grids to either send or pull in the energy you desire. There are several sample layouts in the guidebook. This works on the same principle as creating crystal grids. The direction of the cards determine which direction the energy flows in the same way a crystal point does.

I have yet to experiment with the innovative uses for this deck but I can totally see them working.

The Companion Book

The 300-page companion book for the Unveiling the Golden Age: A Visionary Tarot Experience is one of the best and most detailed companion books I have come across. Izzy Ivy also shares the process and journey of creating this deck as well as her philosophy behind it which I appreciate. There are some wonderful three-card spread suggestions. There is also an in-depth explanation for how to use the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread. The card illustrations included are in full colour. The book is a work of art in its own right. While this Tarot deck and book set is not cheap, you will get more for your money than with many other mass market sets out there.

Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot Deck Interview

Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot Deck Interview

Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot Deck Interview

1. Describe yourself in three words or less.

Queen of Pentacles (Priestess of Earth Guardians/Waterfall)

UtGA: Structure, balance, nurturing

2. How would your best friend describe you in three words or less?

2 of Wands/Light Codes (Action Plan)

UtGA: Always ready, passionate

3. What gift do you bring?

4 of Wands/Light Codes (Celebration)

UtGA: I warm your heart by creating an energetic home away from home here on Earth so that you can be in the world but not of it.

4. What do you expect in return?

10 of Wands/Light Codes (Return to the Mother Tree)

UtGA: That you release unnecessary burdens. If you’re not doing something from the heart, stop and drop it.

5. How can you help me serve?

Queen of Wands (Priestess of Portals/The Radiant Feminine)

UtGA: I can help you to joyfully assume more of a leadership role and take on more main character energy. You have been hiding yourself away for long enough, don’t you think?

Me: Yes, I can’t argue with that and I do need help… so thank you!

6. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about yourself?

Ace of Cups/Portals (Star Nursery)

UtGA: I can help you be more receptive to the love of Divine Mother that is all around, as well as within you.

Me: Love it!! Thank you so much and I can’t wait to work with you some more!

Check out my other Tarot and Oracle Deck Reviews!

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