loa reiki full moon manifesting

LOA Reiki Full Moon Healing & Manifesting

loa reiki full moon magic

In today’s LOA Reiki Full Moon Healing and Manifesting post, we are looking at how to boost our lunar magic & align it with Divine Will. I will also share some tips for the upcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius.

Using Reiki to Empower Intentions

As you may know, you can use Reiki not just for healing the body but to send divine life force energy to any intention. Because we are dealing with Source energy, we must ensure that our intentions are for the Highest Good. For instance, you can never manifest harm to another living being using Reiki.

Clear Your Doubts

One great way to use Reiki with LOA is to clear any doubts you may have about your manifesting ability. It is always good to take an honest look at those doubts before going ahead with any magic or manifesting. I recommend feeling into what your doubts are and then dispelling them with Raku. You may also wish to use EFT tapping to clear any lingering doubts. Remember that once you are attuned to Reiki, Reiki will flow as you tap.

Write Down Your Manifesting Goal

Next, write your desired goal down on a piece of paper. Be as clear and succinct as possible and always make your statement positive. Add the Reiki symbols that you prefer to work with or the traditional ‘Reiki Sandwich’ below:

reiki sandwich

You can add this paper to your altar or place it inside your dedicated Reiki Box.

LOA Reiki box

I recommend beginning your LOA Reiki session with Gassho so that your mind is clear and focused. Next, Channel Reiki to your goal for a few minutes, until you feel the reality of your goal coming true. From that moment on, live as if this is your new reality.

You can make channelling Reiki to your intention part of your daily meditation ritual. Send Reiki to your manifesting goal as many times a day as you feel necessary. See it as an opportunity to enjoy the feelings that are generated by the goal already being achieved.

There are no rules or absolutes when it comes to how often you should do this. The Reiki will keep clearing any self-doubts and increase the attraction factor. Stop when you have achieved your goal or manifested your intention.

The Full Moon Factor

The Full Moon adds juju by increasing the attraction power of any intentions we have. This is a well-known fact among those who practice magic and witchcraft. Some people say to use the Full Moon only to release things from your life. This is not true. You can literally manifest anything when Luna is full. The best time for releasing and banishing things from your life is actually the Dark Moon, i.e. the days before the New Moon.

The New Moon is a great time to set intentions that you are willing to take action on in the two weeks leading up to the next Full Moon. But it is not as powerful for magic of all sorts as the Full Moon is.

If you are sensitive to energy, you can literally feel the power of Luna when She is Full. We are magnetically drawn to gaze on her when she radiates in all her splendour. There is magic in Moon-gazing alone so why not harness that power for manifesting?

Another way of looking at the energy is that the lunar feminine self, the ‘me,’ is ripe for impregnation by the solar masculine, the ‘I.’ The ‘I’ corresponds to The Magician in the Tarot and the ‘me’ to the High Priestess.

The Sagittarius Full Moon

Sagittarius rules the hips. So this is the best Full Moon to set intentions for healing any hip ailments. It might be good to know that the left side of the body relates to the feminine.

Any hip issues on the left side of the body are related to holding yourself back in some way, perhaps by prevaricating/procrastinating. Any hip issues on the right/masculine side of the body relate to pushing yourself too hard instead of going with the flow.

Non-health-related topics to focus your Saggie Full Moon manifesting juju on are higher education, travel, international expansion (of a business/project/partnership), philosophical/religious concepts and teaching those ideas to others.

This lunation is also great for figuring out your calling and what spiritual path is the best match for your soul’s journey.

Sagittarius loves truth and justice, so any legal matters or the courage to speak your truth are great topics to focus on.


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