sidereal astrology sagittarius full moon

2024 Sagittarius Full Moon Tarot Spread (True Sidereal Astrology)

sidereal astrology sagittarius full moon

The 2024 Full Moon in Sagittarius is on 21-22 June (2.07 AM UK) according to True Sidereal Astrology. If you follow Tropical Astrology, you may wish to jump to my post for the Capricorn Full Moon instead. You can find this week’s True Sidereal Forecast HERE.

Jump to the 2024 Sagittarius Full Moon Tarot Spread

The Opposition Between the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Gemini

Gemini (Air) and Sagittarius (Fire) are both mutable and neither sign likes to sit still. Gemini energy is the energy of moving about the local neighbourhood and having a friendly chat with the people we meet. Sagittarius, on the other hand, dreams of adventures in far-flung places. The Mutable Fire of Sagittarius constantly seeks new horizons–the further away, the better. And if those far-flung places are not physically available, Sagittarius won’t hesitate to use the mind for expansion into unknown territory.

Sagittarius Full Moon Magick

During the night when the Full Moon shines down on us, the Sagittarius energy gains prominence. It illuminates the truth of the bigger picture and where we need to expand in order to grow and prosper. This is the time for any magick to manifest goals that align with the energy of Sagittarius.

Use the hour of Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, for an extra boost to any magickal workings. You may also wish to call on Sachiel/Zadkiel or the Angel of Temperance if you work with the Angelic Realm.

Sagittarius is ruled by the luck-bringer Jupiter, aka the Greater Benefic. So this is a beautiful, expansive and blessed Full Moon to work with for almost any intention but especially for goals relating to truth, justice, freedom, travel, wisdom, legal matters and spirituality.

Avoid focusing on goal-setting that involves a lot of detail or contractual obligations that tie you down. Additionally, avoid seeking guidance from outside yourself. Go within and seek answers in the stillness of the void.

Temperance is the Major Arcana card corresponding with Sagittarius. CLICK HERE for the other Tarot cards corresponding with Sagittarius.

Manifesting Tips for the Sagittarius Full Moon

Learn more about what and how to manifest on the Sagittarius Full Moon HERE. <— This post also shows you how to infuse your magick with Reiki and optimise the effect of working with the Law of Attraction for the Highest Good.

2024 Sagittarius Full Moon Tarot Spread

2024 Sagittarius Full Moon Tarot Spread
  1. What area of my life is in need of a new vision? – This card helps identify the sector of your life that requires fresh insights and a broader perspective.
  2. What is the vision that will move me forward? – Draw a card to clarify what your new, expansive vision looks like.
  3. How can I embody the spirit of adventure in pursuing this vision? – This card will suggest how to embrace the energetic spirit of Sagittarius in your journey.
  4. What mindset should I adopt to manifest this vision? – Guidance on the mental and emotional stance that will aid your manifestation.
  5. Who or what is my ally on this adventure? – Reveal a person, characteristic, or resource that will support your journey.
  6. What external challenges might I face, and how can I navigate them? – This card indicates possible obstacles and the strategy to overcome them.
  7. Where will this adventure take me next? – Insights into the potential outcomes and opportunities that await.
  8. What wisdom or truths will I discover on this journey? – Focused on the learning and higher knowledge you will gain, aligning with Sagittarius’s search for truth.
  9. How can I stay grounded and centred in pursuit of this vision? – This card provides advice on maintaining balance amidst expansive changes.

Sample Sagittarius Full Moon Tarot Reading

sagittarius full moon tarot spread - sample reading with the goddess of love tarot
The Goddess of Love Tarot

1. What area of my life is in need of a new vision? 2 of Cups

The 2 of Cups often symbolises partnerships and unity in the realm of personal relationships. It suggests that your romantic or close personal relationships require a refresh or a new approach. Consider opening a dialogue about deeper commitment or exploring new ways to connect emotionally with your partner.

2. What is the vision that will move me forward? The Hermit (The Sovereign)

The Hermit, representing introspection and solitude, indicates that moving forward requires you to seek wisdom from within. Embrace self-discovery and allow your inner guidance to illuminate the path ahead. The vision that will drive you forward involves embracing independence and finding guidance from your own experiences. This may seem to be a dichotomy in light of the previous card. However, it simply means that a self-reflective stance will help you go deeper with your partner.

3. How can I embody the spirit of adventure in pursuing this vision? The Devil

The Devil card often relates to breaking free from self-imposed restrictions and exploring the material world with daring. To embody the spirit of adventure, challenge the conventional limitations or dependencies in your life that may hold you back from true freedom and exploration. This could relate especially to physical intimacy in light of the previous two cards.

4. What mindset should I adopt to manifest this vision? 6 of Wands

The 6 of Wands is a card of victory and success. Adopt a mindset of confidence and optimism. Believe in your success and celebrate your accomplishments along the way. This positive attitude will attract more opportunities and manifest the vision effectively.

5. Who or what is my ally on this adventure? 8 of Swords

Although the 8 of Swords may seem contrary, as it often represents restriction and isolation, it can also indicate that your most significant ally is your own perspective. By challenging your current mental barriers and seeing beyond perceived limitations, you gain the power to free yourself and further your journey.

6. What external challenges might I face, and how can I navigate them? 6 of Pentacles

The 6 of Pentacles points to issues related to giving and receiving help. External challenges may include finding the balance between dependency and self-reliance. This also reflect the combined theme of cards 1 and 2. Navigate these by being open to assistance when necessary while ensuring you are not overly dependent on others, including your partner.

7. Where will this adventure take me next? King of Pentacles (Crone of Pentacles)

The King of Pentacles suggests that your path will lead to a position of stability, where you can enjoy the fruits of your labour. This stage in your journey might focus on achieving material comfort and security, along with a clear understanding of how to efficiently manage resources.

8. What wisdom or truths will I discover on this journey? 10 of Cups

The 10 of Cups embodies emotional fulfilment and happiness in relationships. The key wisdom here is the realisation of the importance of emotional bonds and contentment in your private life. This card reassures you that investing in your closest relationship brings invaluable returns.

9. How can I stay grounded and centered in pursuit of this vision? 3 of Wands

The 3 of Wands is about looking towards the future with hope and preparation. Stay grounded by planning and being prepared for what comes. Act with foresight and an open mind to adapt as opportunities and obstacles arise, maintaining a steady focus on your long-term goals.

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