king of cups angelic tarot card meanings

King of Cups Angelic Tarot Card Meanings

King of Cups Angelic Tarot Card Meanings

The Piscean King of Cups symbolises the compassionate counsellor archetype, whether male or female. It is often this person we turn to for a shoulder to cry on. He understands how difficult and messy life can be and he has an open border policy when it comes to looking after life’s victims and refugees. He is tolerant and non-judgmental in the extreme.

However, he sometimes fails to look after himself. And while he is excellent at helping others navigate the stormy seas of life, he occasionally defaults to comforting himself with various calming and consciousness-altering substances.

When he’s on his game, he’s the Master Manifestor. He knows how to vibe right to manifest pretty much anything. The problem is that he is often not very interested in manifesting things on the material plane. What he cares more about is manifesting works of art, music or prayers that touch the hearts of people.

The wave generator

So manifestation comes easily to this Watery King when he is not pulled under by emotion and when he remembers to look after his own mental health first. Unfortunately, when he suffers from compassion fatigue, he also manifests with ease because of the strong resonance and entrainment capability of his negative emotions. This can be terrifying to be around–Think storms on open water and waves that reach the height of skyscrapers.

He must learn to see himself as King Neptune, the wave generator, and mind his emotions on behalf of others as well as himself.

He has a deep understanding of the fact that we all belong to each other and none of life’s more painful lessons is wasted if they can be turned into learning about how to help others.

“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”
~ John Holmes

King of Cups Angelic Tarot Card Meanings
King of Cups RWS Tarot

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”
~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


A tendency toward addiction could become the downfall of a King of Cups personality type, especially if they do not honour their own sensitivity but seek to numb or alter it with drugs and alcohol.

Affirmation: “I open my heart to understanding and ameliorating the suffering of others.”

King of Cups Prayer

Dear Mother-Father God, thank you for all the life lessons that lead to mastery of emotions and ever-greater levels of compassion for Self and others. Help me to actively express this compassion today. Amen and so it is!


Zodiac Sign: Pisces – For timing purposes, the first two decans of Pisces and the third decan (10 days) of Aquarius

Element: Fire of Water

Archangel: Gabriel, ruler of the Element of Water

Gemstones: Amethyst, citrine and turquoise

Essential oil: Ylang-ylang

The King of Cups in Love and Relationships

Sensitive and caring, this man is often working as a caretaker in some capacity. He could be a counsellor or a nurse, a psychiatrist, a Tarot reader or a massage therapist. One thing is for certain, he is definitely in touch with his feminine side!

Intimacy is everything to this guy. He enjoys discussions about feelings the way an ordinary bloke enjoys a game of football and loves anything mysterious. And before you ask – Yes, he’s a rare find!

Why? Because emotional maturity and genuine care about others come at a cost… especially for a man! How will a boy who is told that he is being a girl when he cries grow up with his feminine side integrated without shame or guilt?

Unfortunately, traits that are perceived as feminine in boys are still ridiculed by society and that is often the reason why there are so few men who feel comfortable owning their emotions.


He strives for authenticity in all that he does as well as in all his relationships.

He truly enjoys non-sexual intimacy.

Looking after you and meeting your needs comes naturally to him.

He is empathic and will care about everyone that matters to you as well as you.

Love-making is almost always a spiritual experience with this man.

He’s not afraid to be ‘different.’


Could put your parents off by virtue of being ‘too unconventional.’

Can be centred on the needs of those in his immediate circle of friends and family to the detriment of the rest of humanity.

Is prone to depression and personality disorders because of his extreme sensitivity. Moody AF, in other words.

Can struggle with practical matters like paying bills on time or holding down a job.

Possibly passive-aggressive and/or manipulative.

Can find it difficult to say ‘No’ and could fall victim to female psychic vampires.

A note on gender

For the sake of relationship Tarot readings, it is usually easier to read the Kings as men and the Queens as women. However, any of the Court Cards can represent both a male and a female person. And, as you can see below, the Court Cards sometimes do not even represent a person at all.

Situation, Challenge, Opportunity and Action Advice

Situation: Emotional sensitivity is in focus but can have gone overboard with addictive behaviour as the central issue (surrounding cards will tell you which it is)

Challenge: Maintain sound boundaries while not losing any empathy, be temperate, and don’t sacrifice yourself

Opportunity: Great relief that comes from being with kindred spirits, finally feeling understood

Action Advice: Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes

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