Shem HaMephorash Angel 48 Mihael corresponds with the 7 of Cups (Venus in Scorpio) in the Tarot. Learn how and when to invoke Mihael.
The Frideborg Relationship Tarot Spread
What is the most common error we make in love? It is choosing to project certain qualities onto our partner instead of perceiving who they truly are. We often end up interacting with our own imagination instead of the person in front of us. The Tarot is a wonderful tool for piercing the veil of delusion and giving us insight about what is.
Lenormand Meanings for Love & Relationships
In today’s card meanings post, you will find a list of Lenormand meanings for love, romance and relationships.
11 Keys – An Advanced Love Tarot Spread
The 11 Keys is an advanced Love Tarot Spread that uses Major Arcana cards 1-11 as the positional meanings in combination with the 9-square.
Tarot Cards for Marriage
Other than ‘Will he come back?,’ the most popular question I get asked is ‘When will I meet The One?’… as in the one you marry, settle down and start a family with. So I thought we would look at some card combinations that show the intent to truly commit.
Top 10 Tarot Cards for Reconciliation
The top 10 Tarot cards for reconciliation and getting back together with an ex in love and romance Tarot readings.