This Virgo New Moon Tarot spread, inspired by the Tarot Hermit, helps us harness our inner wisdom and align with our Higher Selves.
Gemini New Moon Tarot Spread and Spell
Make the most of the Gemini New Moon with a Magician-inspired Tarot Spread and a spell to help improve your thoughts and communication.
2022 Sagittarius New Moon (with Tarot Spread)
The 2022 Sagittarius New Moon happens on Wednesday 23 November at 22:57 UTC. Make the most of it with a bit of help from the Tarot!
Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse Tarot Spread
A simple three-card Tarot Spread for the upcoming Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse on Tuesday, 25 October 2022.
Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse Tarot Spread
A 7-card Tarot spread to help you navigate the upcoming Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse on Saturday 30 April 2022.
New Moon in Pisces 2022 (with Tarot Spread)
A heads up for the upcoming New Moon in Pisces on 2 March 2022. Includes a bespoke 4-card Tarot spread for this lunation.
Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse 2021 (with Tarot Spread)
The 2021 Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse is an important time for intention-setting. It’s also a good time for clearing out the old.
New Moon in Leo Tarot Spread
A Tarot spread to help you make the most of the New Moon in Leo, focusing on confidence, compassion and charisma.
New Moon in Gemini Solar Eclipse Mind Reboot Tarot Spread
A Mind Reboot Tarot spread to help you shed unwanted thought patterns and gain clarity in time for the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini.
New Moon in Taurus – The Start of a Season of Joy (with Tarot Spread)
We have a New Moon in Taurus on 11 May. The Angel of Mystical Joy brings us a channelled message for this lunation. Tarot spread included.