Archangel Raphael Mental Clarity Tarot Spread

Archangel Raphael Tarot Spread for Mental Focus

Archangel Raphael Mental Focus Tarot Spread

It’s a New Moon in Gemini tomorrow, Wednesday 12 June. Since both Wednesdays and Gemini are ruled by Archangel Raphael (Mercury), I thought it would be nice to create an Angelic Tarot spread that you can use for mapping out where you need to focus your mind in the month ahead, beginning with the New Moon.

If you want to take things a bit further in terms of Angel Magick while doing this Tarot reading, I recommend doing this spread in the hour ruled by Mercury/Raphael. You can find a planetary hour calculator for this purpose here.

Archangel Raphael, Ruler of the Planet Mercury

Archangel Raphael is the patron of travellers as well as the Angel invoked for healing and improved communication. He is also the patron of soul mate lovers which makes sense if you consider that he is the angel shown in The Lovers Tarot card. Archangel Raphael is often depicted in robes of gold (intellect) and green (healing/heart chakra) in classical art.

According to David Goddard, he can be visualised as being formed of fast-moving yellow-golden light. He carries a caduceus staff and has six wings: two at the temples, two at the shoulders and two at the feet.

Correspondences for Archangel Raphael that you may wish to place on your table/altar before you begin your Tarot reading include writing materials (pen and notebook), yellow flowers and ‘weeds.’ Crystals are citrine and peridot and the colour candle to use is yellow.

Archangel Raphael Mental Focus Tarot Spread

Before you begin, I recommend taking a few deep breaths to relax and let go of any mental stress. Doing a short candle meditation can help with this. Light the candle, invoking Archangel Raphael’s assistance (with your own words), and allow your mind to go quiet while focusing on the breath and resting your gaze just above the flame of the candle for a few minutes until you feel completely centred and at ease.

Depending on how much clarity you already have, you can either pick a card face up to represent what you wish to focus your mental energy on in the month ahead or you can let the cards choose for you. Once you have chosen your card, gather the cards back up, (re-)shuffle and cut the deck as usual.

From the top pull a total of nine cards, placing them according to the diagram below:

Archangel Raphael Mental Focus Tarot Spread

1. What to focus on in the month ahead to achieve a long- or short-term goal

Mercury/Gemini/Virgo cards (all ruled by Archangel Raphael) that you may wish to work with as a focus card for this New Moon in Gemini/Archangel Raphael reading include King of Swords (Gemini), 10 of Pentacles (Mercury in Virgo), The Lovers (Gemini), The Hermit (Virgo), 8 of Wands (Mercury in Sagittarius), 3 of Cups (Mercury in Venus), 6 of Swords (Mercury in Aquarius) and – of course – The Magician (Mercury).

I have not included the 8-10 of Swords (Jupiter, Mars and Sun in Gemini respectively) in the list above or the 5 of Pentacles (Mercury in Taurus), mainly because the imagery usually carries negative associations to most people. However, you can use any of those cards too, of course, as long as you know how to work with them in a constructive way and without negativity.

Or Choose a Random Focus Card

You may wish to allow the Tarot to choose your focus card for you, in which case you may receive a card not directly associated with Archangel Raphael. The cool thing about that is that Archangel Raphael can carry messages to all other Angels too and speed up the process.

2. Helpful influence/support

3-4. How this influence will help you/or what you need to do for it to work for you

5. Baleful influence (distraction/disruption – inner or outer)

6-7. How to prevent this influence from disrupting your focus

8. Initial development as your plans are set in motion.

9-10. How to best use the energy of Mercury to continue to stay focused or adjust your focus to accommodate new developments

Archangel Raphael Tarot Spread – Sample Reading with the Hanson Roberts Tarot

1. What to focus on in the month ahead to achieve a long- or short-term goal

10 of Pentacles (Mercury in Virgo) I choose to focus on building financial stability for myself and my family through my work as a writer and Tarot reader.

2. Helpful influence/support

The Star. Making meaningful connections online and staying optimistic about my prospects.

3-4. How this influence will help you/or what you need to do for it to work for you

Death + Ace of Swords. Allowing what is dying away now to die away to make room for new ideas.

5. Baleful influence (distraction/disruption – inner or outer)

2 of Wands. Seeing myself as being in competition with others.

6-7. How to prevent this influence from disrupting your focus

Ace of Pentacles + King of Cups. Create an ambience of abundance that comes from a deep and genuine interest in using my work to help others.

8. Initial development as you set your plans in motion. (What to expect by the time of the Full Moon)

The Hermit. Your disciplined approach to meditation and self-studies is starting to pay off.

9-10. How to best use the energy of Mercury to continue to stay focused or adjust your focus to accommodate new developments

Queen of Wands + 5 of Wands. Use your newfound confidence to break through any blocks to creativity and allow your true self to shine.

Bonus tip: Make your focus card the lock screen on your phone in the month ahead and keep your reading where you can refer to it often in the days ahead. Creating positive change is all about setting the intent!

The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.
~ Albert Einstein

I hope you enjoy trying this spread tomorrow. Please let me know how you go and if you have any questions!

Lisa signature

PS. I’m proud to announce that the Angelorum blog recently got listed in the No. 1 spot for the Top 10 UK Tarot Blogs and Websites to follow!

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  1. Congratulations! Well done-and deserved! ‘ll try the spread later on!!
    Thank you for your inspiring spreads and words! 🙂

  2. I’m looking forward to this spread and spell . Congratulations on being #1 blog to follow ! You deserve it !!

  3. Congratulations on that too blog award – thoroughly well-deserved. And thanks for another fantastic spread for this new moon. ❤️

  4. Congrats on the top UK blog award!!! With your regular top-quality content, you absolutely have earned it. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world 🙂

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