Discover the angel Yeiayel’s correspondence with the 3 of Cups tarot card, offering guidance on fame and success for the Highest Good.
21. Nelkhael Angel of Learning and the 3 of Cups
Discover Nelkhael, the Angel of Learning and his correspondence with the Tarot 3 of Cups. Learn how to invoke Nelkhael’s guidance.
20. Pahaliah the Angel of Deliverance and the 2 of Cups
The 20th Shem HaMephorash is Pahaliah, the Angel of Deliverance. The three syllables forming this angel’s name are pronounced Pah-Heh-Lah. The name means ‘God the Redeemer.’ This is the Guardian …
19. Leuviah Angel of Memory and the 2 of Cups
The Angel that rules the first five days of Cancer is Leuviah, the Angel of Memory. The name of this Shem HaMephorash means ‘The Swiftly Listening God.’ The name sounds …
18. Caliel the Angel of Justice and the 10 of Swords
Caliel is the 18th Shem Angel and her name means ‘The God Who Fulfils’ or ‘God Who is Quick to Rescue.’ The name sounds like Kah-Lah-Yoh. Caliel is the Angel …
17. Lauviah Angel of Revelation and the 10 of Swords
It gets confusing because both Shem HaMemphorash angels 11 and 17 have the name Lauviah, The name means ‘The Admirable God’ or ‘The Praised God’ and he is known as the Angel …
16. Hekamiah the Angel of Loyalty and the 9 of Swords
Shem Angel 16 Hekamiah is the Guardian Angel whose name means ‘God of the Universe’ or ‘God Who Constructed the Universe.’ The name sounds like Heh-KOH-Meh. Hekamiah has feminine energy. …
15. Hariel Angel of Purification and the 9 of Swords
The 15th Guardian Angel is Hariel and he is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name means ‘The Comforting God’ or ‘Saviour God’ and who is Known as the Angel of of Purification. His name sounds …
14. Mebahel the Angel of Commitment and the 8 of Swords
Shem Angel 14 Mebahel is the Guardian Angel whose name means ‘God the Protector and Saviour’ or ‘God the Preserver.’ The name sounds like Meh-Beh-Heh. Mebahel has masculine energy. He …
13. Iezalel Angel of Fidelity and the 8 of Swords
Guardian Angel 13 Iezalel (aka Yezalel or Jezalel) is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name means ‘The Glorified God’ or ‘God Who Is Praised for All Things.’ The name sounds like Yoh-Zah-Lah. Iezalel has masculine energy. He …